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File metadata and controls

157 lines (127 loc) · 7.91 KB


Binder ReadTheDocs FWF Python tests

pyForMetrix is a Python package to extract metrics commonly used in forestry from laser scanning/LiDAR data. Main functionalities include a plot-based and a pixel-based calculation, and handling of large datasets.


pyForMetrix is packaged and delivered via PyPi, and can be installed using pip:

python -m pip install pyForMetrix

Getting started

Note: You can run this Getting started section on binder: Binder

First, we need a point cloud dataset. You can use your own or download a sample dataset, e.g. from the City of Vancouver:

Unzip this file after download to find a .las-File, which we will use in the following.

We need to read in the point cloud into a numpy array. Depending on the metrics we will derive later, different attributes also have to be loaded in. In this example, the 3D point cloud along with classification and echo number information is required. For reading in the file, we use laspy.

import numpy as np
import laspy

inFile ="4830E_54560N.las")
coords = np.vstack([inFile.x,
points = {
    'points': coords,
    'echo_number': inFile.return_number,
    'classification': inFile.classification

After importing the package pyForMetrics, we can create a RasterMetrics or a PlotMetrics object, depending on the application. Let's first work with RasterMetrics, which will calculate the set of metrics for each cell of a raster overlaid on the point cloud data.

from pyForMetrix.metrix import RasterMetrics
rm = RasterMetrics(points, raster_size=25)

The code above may take some time to run, as on the creation of theRasterMetrics object, the point cloud is rasterized to the final cells. The runtime will increase with more points and a smaller raster size.

We then select which metrics we want to calculate. pyForMetrix comes with a number of predefined metrics, convieniently grouped in two collections: publications, where metrics from different publications in the literature are taken, and types, which groups metrics by their type. Later, we will see how to create your own metric calculators. For now, we will use the ones presented by Woods et al. (2009):

from pyForMetrix.metricCalculators.publications import MCalc_Woods_et_al_2009
mc = MCalc_Woods_et_al_2009()
metrics = rm.calc_custom_metrics(metrics=mc)

With the last line, we created an xarray.DataArray object containing the metrics for each pixel:

<xarray.DataArray (y: 115, x: 83, val: 26)>
array([[[ 1.19169000e+03,  1.19212000e+03,  1.19236000e+03, ...,
         -1.26632802e+00,  7.51640760e-01,  0.00000000e+00],
        [ 1.19254700e+03,  1.19255400e+03,  1.19256100e+03, ...,
         -2.00000000e+00,  1.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],

Using rioxarray, we can save the values (here: the p90 metric, i.e., the 90th height percentile) to a raster file:

import rioxarray
metrics.sel(val='p90').rio.to_raster(f"p90.tif", "COG")

More examples

Multiple metric sets at once

Instead of passing a single metricCalculator class to calc_custom_metrics, you can call it with a list of metricCalculators:

from pyForMetrix.metricCalculators.types import MCalc_HeightMetrics, MCalc_DensityMetrics
heightMetrics = MCalc_HeightMetrics()
densityMetrics = MCalc_DensityMetrics()
metrics = rm.calc_custom_metrics(metrics=[heightMetrics, densityMetrics])

Override percentiles, custom options

Some metricCalculators can be customized, e.g. the MCalc_HeightMetrics accept an optional keyword percentiles, which replaces the percentiles calculated by default:

heightMetrics = MCalc_HeightMetrics(percentiles=np.array([15, 25, 50, 75, 85, 95, 99]))

Similarly, the cell size for the rumple index (e.g. in MCalc_White_et_al_2015) or the DSM in MCalc_Hollaus_et_al_2009 can be set - these variables are set as parameter to the __call__ function. calc_custom_metrics accepts them as a (list of) additional dictionaries with the settings:

from pyForMetrix.metricCalculators.publications import MCalc_White_et_al_2015, MCalc_Hollaus_et_al_2009 
whiteMetrics = MCalc_White_et_al_2015()
metrics = rm.calc_custom_metrics(metrics=whiteMetrics, metric_options={'rumple_pixel_size': 0.2})
hollausMetrics = MCalc_Hollaus_et_al_2009()
metrics = rm.calc_custom_metrics(metrics=[whiteMetrics, hollausMetrics], 
                                     {'rumple_pixel_size': 5},
                                     {'CHM_pixel_size': 7.5}

Parallelize metric computation

On computers with multiple cores, processing can be sped up significantly by multiprocessing. To this end, we provide a function calc_custom_metrics_parallel which takes similar arguments to calc_custom_metrics, but runs on multiple cores. Note that the parallelization is carried out over the raster cells, i.e., the multiple processes treat different subsets of the raster cells. As there is a certain overhead in starting the processes, speedup is only expected if there is a large enough number of (a) valid raster cells and (b) metrics that are complex to compute. The parameter multiprocessing_point_threshold checks the input point cloud and either spawns multiple processes (in case the number of points is larger than the threshold) or passes the arguments on to calc_custom_metrics.

The other parameters are n_chunks (default: 16), which is the number of blocks the raster cells are divided into to be processed, and n_processes (default: 4), which is the number of concurrent processes. A higher number of n_chunks uses less memory, but takes longer due to the overhead.

On systems with sufficient memory (RAM > (number of processes) x (max. size of a tile)), it is generally better to parallelize over input tiles rather than pixels.

Plotwise metric extraction

You can find an example notebook for plotwise metric extraction here, or



Full / API documentation

The full documentation can be found at readthedocs.


This package relies on the following packages (installed automatically when using pip). Thank you to all developers making this project possible!


This package has been developed in the course of the UncertainTree project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [Grant number J 4672-N].