You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 22
[:billing_address, :cardholder_name, :customer_id, :expiration_date, :expiration_month, :expiration_year, :number, :cvv, :options, :token]
[:billing_address, :cardholder_name, :expiration_date, :expiration_month, :expiration_year, :options]
:bin, :card_type, :commercial, :country_of_issuance, :created_at, :debit, :durbin_regulated,
:healthcare, :issuing_bank, :last_4, :payroll, :prepaid, :unique_number_identifier, :updated_at
credit_card = BraintreeRails::CreditCard.find('credit_card_id')
credit_card.customer # Loaded from customer_id for persisted addresses.
credit_card = BraintreeRails::CreditCard.find('credit_card_id')
credit_card.transactions # lazy loaded collection through Braintree::Transaction.search
transaction = credit_card.transactions.build(:amount => '10.00') # initialize a transaction ready to be created using the vaulted card
transaction = credit_card.transactions.create(:amount => '11.00') # create a transaction using the vaulted card
credit_card = BraintreeRails::CreditCard.find('credit_card_id')
credit_card.subscriptions # lazy loaded collection through Braintree::Subscription.search
subscription = credit_card.subscriptions.build(:plan_id => 'silver') # initialize a subscription ready to be created using the vaulted card
subscription = credit_card.subscriptions.create(:plan_id => 'gold') # create a subscription using the vaulted card
[:cardholder_name, :length => {:maximum => 255}],
[:customer_id, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 36}, :on => :create],
[:number, :presence => true, :if => :new_record?],
[:number, :numericality => { :only_integer => true }, :length => {:minimum => 12, :maximum => 19}, 'braintree_rails/luhn_10' => true, :if => Proc.new { Configuration.mode == Configuration::Mode::S2S }],
[:cvv, :presence => true, :if => :new_record?],
[:cvv, :numericality => { :only_integer => true }, :length => {:minimum => 3, :maximum => 4}, :if => Proc.new { Configuration.mode == Configuration::Mode::S2S }],
[:expiration_month, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |credit_card| credit_card.new_record? && credit_card.expiration_date.blank? }],
[:expiration_year, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |credit_card| credit_card.new_record? && credit_card.expiration_date.blank? }],
[:expiration_date, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |credit_card| credit_card.new_record? && credit_card.expiration_month.blank? }],
[:expiration_month, :numericality => { :only_integer => true, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 1, :less_than_or_equal_to => 12 }, :if => Proc.new { Configuration.mode == Configuration::Mode::S2S }],
[:expiration_year, :numericality => { :only_integer => true, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 1976, :less_than_or_equal_to => 2200 }, :if => Proc.new { Configuration.mode == Configuration::Mode::S2S }],
By default, the validations only check the presence of number
, cvv
, expiration_month
, expiration_year
and expiration_date
and does not validate the format of those attributes.
It's because BraintreeRails assumes Braintree.js is used, such that those sensitive credit card data are already encrypted on the client side.
However, if you do have a very strong reason for using the unencrypted S2S API, you should think again.
If you still insist you need to have the unencrypted data, you can set the BraintreeRails::Configuration.mode
to BraintreeRails::Configuration::Mode::S2S
. Then, format check, e.g. numericality, luhn10, length, range check will kick in for those values.
In addition to the above validations, associated billing_address
will also be validated by default.
In addition to the above callbacks, BraintreeRails has an internal :persist
callback that runs before :validate
. In this callback, encrypted attributes on CreditCard will be cleared after every create/update attempt. This only triggers when BraintreeRails::Configuration.mode
is JS
. S2S
mode will leave those untouched.
In the case of success, there's no reason to hold the encrypted values any way.
In the case of failure, most likely you are going to use the same object to render the payment form with error messages to the end user for correction. And you dont want the end user to see the strange strings (encrypted credit card number etc.) to be displayed in the form. So, it is better to clear those encrypted values before rendering the form again.
However, if you do have a legitimate case that this behavior is undesirable, let me know.
Simply calling credit_card.valid?
will not clear the values.
To make the interfaces consistent with other models, the following is added to CreditCard.
def id