Create a discord bot and get the token
- Create a google project
- Create a google service account
- Enable Google workspace delegation
- Generate keys and download the file (used by the bot
) - Add required scopes for the service account (see config.example for the list of scopes)
You must create user custom attribute
"custom": {
"pseudo": "",
"discordId": "",
"teeShirt": "",
"birthdate": ""
Custom fields
"name": "Pseudonyme",
"type": "TextInput",
"name": "Date de naissance",
"type": "Date",
"name": "Adresse postale",
"type": "TextInput",
"name": "Numéro de téléphone",
"type": "TextInput",
"name": "Nom d'utilisateur Discord",
"type": "TextInput",
"name": "Taille du tee-shirt",
"type": "ChoiceList",
"name": "Je m'engage à signer l'engagement de confidentialité :",
"type": "YesNo",
pip install les_louisdelatech
Generate a secret_key to encrypt database secrets
>>> from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
>>> Fernet.generate_key()
Fill config.toml
with config.example
python3 -m les_louisdelatech.main -c config.toml -g google.json
Install uv
Install and setup dependencies with uv sync
uv run ruff format .
uv run ruff check .
The code is under CeCILL license.
You can find all details here:
Copyright © Lyon e-Sport, 2021
- Ortega Ludovic -
- Etienne "PoPs" G. -
- Pierre "DrumSlayer" Sarret -