A lightweight python image watermark library that supports encrypted watermarks.
version | content |
1.0.0 | Package simply, and it must rely on PIL. We will improve following. |
1.0.5 | Add the rsa signature module. |
1.0.8 | Add steganography module, but not work well for JPG |
1.1.0 | Fix the problem about the length of UTF8, and add demo. |
1.Download the package, and input
python setup.py install
2.Move the the folder called pyWM which has the init.py to
/the path that you install python/Lib/site-packages
from pyWM import Key
from pyWM import Encrypt
from pyWM import Decrypt
from pyWM import HiddenSignature
Key.generate() #Generate key
sig = Encrypt.getSignature("LYP") #Use private key to generate signature
HiddenSignature.encodeDataInImage("1.jpg", sig.decode(), "encodeImage.png") #Signature stegans in the picture
get_sig = HiddenSignature.decodeImage("encodeImage.png") #Extract hidden signatures from images
print(Decrypt.verify("LYP",get_sig)) #Use public key to verify signature