diff --git a/Arp-Spoofing-Detection/README.md b/Arp-Spoofing-Detection/README.md
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+++ b/Arp-Spoofing-Detection/README.md
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+# ARP Spoofing Detection
+## Ways to Recognize ARP spoofing
+### Options which can lead to ARP SPOOFING.
+* Duplicated address in the ARP table.
+* To many ARP REPLAYs in small amount of time.
+* More than 3 packets of the same IP address in 10 seconds.
+* Duplicated Packet- the same IP address with diffrent MAC address.
+* Check if the MAC address is belong to the IP address. (using get_mac_address function)
+in Order to Detect an Attack, the code is checking how many options from above is happenning.
+### Conclusions
+less than 2 options: probably there is no Attack.
+between 2 and 3 options: the computer may be at risk.
+between 4 and 5 options: you are under attack.
+in order to protect the computer, we set the ARP table with static address using the command:
+os.system("arp -s " + attacked_ip_addres+" " + real_mac_address)