yarn add \
d3-color \
d3-interpolate \
lodash \
luxon \
@types/d3-color \
@types/d3-interpolate \
@types/lodash \
@types/luxon \
inspiration for a lot of the code: https://svelte.dev/repl/12d9350f9d6b44f78031e7391a6415bb?version=3.37.0
https://github.com/buhrmi/query-store https://github.com/plrenaudin/svelte-storez https://github.com/PixievoltNo1/svelte-writable-derived
- factor out config panel
- allow add new timezone
- search box for selecting new timezone to add
- drag to re-order timezones
- add time markers on horizontal time bars
- add option to make the time cursor snap to 15 minute increments
tsc doesn't like it because the main file is index.mjs
(even though it appears to be a ES6 module...)
cp node_modules/svelte-writable-derived/index.{mjs,js}
npx tsc --allowJs --declaration node_modules/svelte-writable-derived/index.js --emitDeclarationOnly
rm node_modules/svelte-writable-derived/index.js
echo 'declare module "svelte-writable-derived" {'
cat node_modules/svelte-writable-derived/index.d.ts
echo '}'
) > types/svelte-writable-derived.d.ts
this vscode extension does it well: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=stringham.move-ts