I updated the 'dontrun' to 'donttest' for all examples. I replace all cat with message when writing text to the console. The vignettes were updated to reduce the run time. The description title was updated to remove "An R package". I updated the description to include references to the models in the literature.
- local OS X install, R 4.2.3
- This is a new release.
There were no notes, errors or warnings.
Window tests and Mac release tests were successful.
The R-hub runs failed because it couldn't find JAGS but I think this is a missing dependency on R-hub rather than a problem with the package (or a missing option that I need to add in somehow). This is impacting the building of my vignettes resulting in errors that I cannot fix.
I get a warning about legacy package depending on fields and geosphere which further depend on sp and depend on maptools, rgdal and regeos. This seems to be related to other packages and not something I can fix.
I am getting a note about 'lastMiKTeXException' which seems to be a bug/crash in MiKTeX and I cannot solve it.
I am getting a note regarding ''NULL'' which is a R-hub issue which is out of my control.