diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 69e3616681..c4ccc9ca78 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). - **58_peatland** removed realization "on" ### fixed -- **scripts** Fixed writing of NetCDF files in output/reportMAgPIE2SEALS.R -- **scripts** Fixed disaggregation.R and disaggregation_LUH2.R to be used with 67k +- **scripts** disaggregation_LUH2.R which no longer relies on the old raster-based write.magpie for nc files +- **scripts** fixed memory spike leading to crashes in disaggregation.R +- **scripts** fixed writing of NetCDF files in output/reportMAgPIE2SEALS.R +- **scripts** fixed disaggregation.R and disaggregation_LUH2.R to be used with 67k - **scripts** bugfix highres.R for bioenergy demand and GHG prices in coupled runs - **35_natveg** bugfixes ac_est - **35_natveg** removed scaling of pm_carbon_density_ac diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index e581d4b690..6e21eb0a26 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Imports: lusweave, m4fsdp, madrat, - magclass, + magclass (>= 6.14.0), magpie4, MagpieNCGains, magpiesets, diff --git a/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation.R b/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation.R index 05ef287729..9c4b2736db 100644 --- a/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation.R +++ b/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation.R @@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ if (length(map_file) > 1) { } .writeDisagg <- function(x, file, comment, message) { - write.magpie(.fixCoords(x), file, comment = comment) - write.magpie(.fixCoords(x), sub(".mz", ".nc", file), comment = comment, verbose = FALSE) + base::message(message) + x <- .fixCoords(x) + write.magpie(x, file, comment = comment) + write.magpie(x, sub(".mz", ".nc", file), comment = comment) } .dissagcrop <- function(gdx, land_hr, map_file) { @@ -344,6 +346,9 @@ gc() land_split_hr <- land_hr[, getYears(area_shr_hr), ] area_hr <- area_shr_hr * dimSums(land_split_hr, dim = 3) +rm(area_shr_hr) +gc() + # replace crop in land_hr in with crop_kfo_rf, crop_kfo_ir, crop_kbe_rf # and crop_kbe_ir kbe <- c("betr", "begr") @@ -372,6 +377,8 @@ land_split_hr <- land_split_hr[, , "crop", invert = TRUE] # combine land_split_hr with crop_hr. land_split_hr <- mbind(crop_hr, fallow, land_split_hr) +rm(crop_kfo_rf, crop_kfo_ir, crop_kbe_rf, crop_kbe_ir, crop_hr, fallow, area_hr) + # split "forestry" into timber plantations, pre-scribed afforestation (NPi/NDC) and endogenous afforestation (CO2 price driven) message("Disaggregating forestry") farea <- dimSums(landForestry(gdx, level = "cell"), dim = "ac") @@ -393,6 +400,9 @@ land_split_hr <- land_split_hr[, , "forestry", invert = TRUE] # combine land_split_hr with farea_hr land_split_hr <- mbind(land_split_hr, farea_hr) +rm(farea, farea_shr, farea_hr) +gc() + # Write output .writeDisagg(land_split_hr, land_hr_split_file, comment = "unit: Mha per grid-cell", @@ -402,6 +412,7 @@ land_split_hr <- mbind(land_split_hr, farea_hr) comment = "unit: grid-cell land area fraction", message = "Write cropsplit land area share" ) +rm(land_split_hr) gc() # -------------------------------- @@ -471,6 +482,9 @@ land_bii_hr <- interpolateAvlCroplandWeighted( snv_pol_fader = snv_pol_fader, unit = "share" ) + +rm(land_consv_hr, urban_land_hr) + land_bii_hr <- .fixCoords(land_bii_hr) # Add primary and secondaray other land @@ -481,12 +495,14 @@ land_bii_hr <- land_bii_hr * side_layers_hr[, , c("forested", "nonforested")] # Sum over land classes bii_hr <- dimSums(land_bii_hr * bii_hr, dim = 3, na.rm = TRUE) +rm(land_bii_hr) # Write output .writeDisagg(bii_hr, bii_hr_out_file, comment = "unitless", message = "Write output BII at 0.5°" ) +rm(bii_hr) gc() @@ -524,6 +540,8 @@ out <- peat_hr / dimSums(land_hr[,getYears(peat_hr),], dim = 3) out[is.nan(out)] <- 0 out[is.infinite(out)] <- 0 +rm(land_hr, peat_hr) + .writeDisagg(out, peatland_hr_share_out_file, comment = "unit: grid-cell land area fraction", message = "Write outputs peatland share") diff --git a/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation_LUH2.R b/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation_LUH2.R index b5f18049b8..7e8b880df7 100644 --- a/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation_LUH2.R +++ b/scripts/output/extra/disaggregation_LUH2.R @@ -60,6 +60,50 @@ convertLUH2 <- function(x) { } +# code taken from the old raster-based nc writing in write.magpie +# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pik-piam/magclass/19fc7d098fbbea4af26240d6472e7e088356bf57/R/write.magpie.R +writeRasterBrick <- function(x, filePath, comment = NULL, zname = "Time", ...) { + if (!requireNamespace("ncdf4", quietly = TRUE) || !requireNamespace("raster", quietly = TRUE)) { + stop("The packages \"ncdf4\" and \"raster\" are required!") + } + .sub <- function(rx, name) { + layer <- sub("^.*\\.\\.", "", names(rx)) + if (length(unique(layer)) == 1) return(rx) + return(rx[[which(layer == name)]]) + } + tmp <- names(x) + tmp <- strsplit(tmp, "\\..") + years <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) x[1])))) + varnames <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) x[2])))) + zunit <- ifelse(all(isYear(years)), "years", "") + years <- as.numeric(gsub("y", "", years)) + if (is.null(varnames)) varnames <- "Variable" + if (is.null(comment)) { + unit <- "not specified" + } else { + indicators <- sub(":.*$", "", comment) + units <- sub("^.*: ", "", comment) + if (any(grepl("unit", indicators))) { + unit <- units[grep("unit", indicators)] + } else { + unit <- "not specified" + } + } + raster::writeRaster(.sub(x, varnames[1]), filename = filePath, format = "CDF", overwrite = TRUE, + compression = 9, zname = zname, zunit = zunit, varname = varnames[1], varunit = unit, ...) + nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(filePath, write = TRUE) + if (zunit == "years") { + try(ncdf4::ncvar_put(nc, zname, years), silent = TRUE) + } + if (length(varnames) > 1) { + for (i in varnames[-1]) { + nc <- ncdf4::ncvar_add(nc, ncdf4::ncvar_def(i, unit, nc$dim, compression = 9)) + ncdf4::ncvar_put(nc, i, aperm(as.array(.sub(x, i)), c(2, 1, 3))) + } + } + ncdf4::nc_close(nc) +} + withr::local_options(list(magclass_sizeLimit = 1e+12)) @@ -194,7 +238,7 @@ saveRDS(states,paste0(outputdir,"/states.rds")) gc() states <- convertLUH2(states) gc() -write.magpie(states, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_states.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(states, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_states.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(states) gc() } @@ -217,7 +261,7 @@ gc() if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_protected_area.nc"))){ b <- convertLUH2(b) gc() -write.magpie(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_protected_area.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_protected_area.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(b) gc() } @@ -245,7 +289,7 @@ if(!is.null(harvested_area_timber(gdx,level = "cell"))) { if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_wood_harvest_area.nc"))){ b <- convertLUH2(b) gc() - write.magpie(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_area.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell area per year", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") + writeRasterBrick(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_area.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of grid-cell area per year", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,b) gc() } @@ -271,7 +315,7 @@ if(!is.null(harvested_area_timber(gdx,level = "cell"))) { if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_wood_harvest_yields.nc"))){ b <- convertLUH2(b) gc() - write.magpie(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_yields.nc"), comment = "unit: m3 per ha per year", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") + writeRasterBrick(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_yields.nc"), comment = "unit: m3 per ha per year", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,b) gc() } @@ -285,7 +329,7 @@ if(!is.null(harvested_area_timber(gdx,level = "cell"))) { if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_wood_harvest_biomass_split.nc"))){ b <- convertLUH2(b) gc() - write.magpie(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_biomass_split.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of wood harvest biomass", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") + writeRasterBrick(b, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_wood_harvest_biomass_split.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of wood harvest biomass", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(b) gc() } @@ -304,7 +348,7 @@ if (any(abs(d) > 0.1 )) message(paste0("Difference between cluster and grid cell if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_irrigation.nc"))){ irrig_hr_shr <- convertLUH2(irrig_hr_shr) gc() -write.magpie(irrig_hr_shr, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_irrigation.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of crop area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(irrig_hr_shr, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_irrigation.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of crop area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(irrig_hr_shr,d) gc() } @@ -322,7 +366,7 @@ if (any(abs(d) > 0.1)) message(paste0("Difference between cluster and grid cell if (!file.exists(paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_flood.nc"))) { flooded <- convertLUH2(flooded) gc() - write.magpie(flooded, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_flood.nc"), comment = "unit: flooded fraction of C3 annual crop area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") + writeRasterBrick(flooded, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_flood.nc"), comment = "unit: flooded fraction of C3 annual crop area", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(flooded, d) gc() } @@ -341,7 +385,7 @@ getNames(bio_hr_shr,dim=1) <- c("crpbf_c4per","crpbf_c3per") if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_bioenergy.nc"))){ bio_hr_shr <- convertLUH2(bio_hr_shr) gc() -write.magpie(bio_hr_shr, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_bioenergy.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of crop type area occupied by biofuel crops", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(bio_hr_shr, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_bioenergy.nc"), comment = "unit: fraction of crop type area occupied by biofuel crops", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(bio_hr_shr,d) gc() } @@ -398,19 +442,19 @@ x <- NULL if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Nitrogen_fertilizer.nc"))){ x <- convertLUH2(clean_magpie(collapseNames(a[,,"fertilizer"],collapsedim = 3.1))) gc() -write.magpie(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_fertilizer.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_fertilizer.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") } if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Nitrogen_manure.nc"))){ x <- convertLUH2(clean_magpie(collapseNames(a[,,"manure"],collapsedim = 3.1))) gc() -write.magpie(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_manure.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_manure.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") } if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Nitrogen_surplus.nc"))){ x <- convertLUH2(clean_magpie(collapseNames(a[,,"surplus"],collapsedim = 3.1))) gc() -write.magpie(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_surplus.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(x, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Nitrogen_surplus.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") } rm(a,x,weight) @@ -430,7 +474,7 @@ a[,,n]<-dimSums(yield_kr_su[,,n],dim=3)/dimSums(map_LUHMAg_grid[,,n],dim=3) if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Yield_DM.nc"))){ a <- convertLUH2(a) gc() -write.magpie(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,yield_kr,yield_kr_su) gc() } @@ -449,7 +493,7 @@ a[,,n]<-dimSums(yield_kr_su[,,n],dim=3)/dimSums(map_LUHMAg_grid[,,n],dim=3) if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Yield_DM_rainfed.nc"))){ a <- convertLUH2(a) gc() -write.magpie(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM_rainfed.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM_rainfed.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,yield_kr,yield_kr_su) gc() } @@ -468,7 +512,7 @@ a[,,n]<-dimSums(yield_kr_su[,,n],dim=3)/dimSums(map_LUHMAg_grid[,,n],dim=3) if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Yield_DM_irrigated.nc"))){ a <- convertLUH2(a) gc() -write.magpie(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM_irrigated.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_DM_irrigated.nc"), comment = "unit: tDM-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,yield_kr,yield_kr_su) gc() } @@ -487,7 +531,7 @@ a[,,n]<-dimSums(yield_kr_su[,,n],dim=3)/dimSums(map_LUHMAg_grid[,,n],dim=3) if(!file.exists(paste0(out_dir,"/LUH2_Yield_Nr.nc"))){ a <- convertLUH2(a) gc() -write.magpie(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_Nr.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") +writeRasterBrick(a, paste0(out_dir, "/LUH2_Yield_Nr.nc"), comment = "unit: kgN-per-ha", datatype = "FLT8S", zname = "time", xname = "lon", yname = "lat") rm(a,yield_kr,yield_kr_su) gc() -} \ No newline at end of file +}