- Supported: SwipeRefreshLayout
Hug improvements
- Upgraded: Upgrade support design to 23.1.1
- Fixed: Scrolling programmatically #42
- Fixed: Build process
- Fixed: Disabled AppBarLayout canDrag by default in supportDesign 23.1.0
- Added: Setter for SmoothCollapsingToolbarLayout
- Added: SmoothViewPagerParallaxDrawerLayout and SmoothViewPagerDrawerLayout examples
- Added: In-app support
- Fixed: fitSystemWindows on non-lollipop devices
- Added: ViewPager support
- Added: Inbox and Google Play samples
- Improved: Major refactor
- Improved: Performance
- Added: SwipeRefreshLayout
- Added: QuickReturn examples
- Fixed: Flinging creates a blank space - take 2
- Added: EnterAlways animation
- Added: Parallax animation with contentScrim
- Added: NestedScrollView examples
- Fixed: Flinging creates a blank space #4
Initial release.