Vesting Smart Contract implementation using an ERC20 token which provides functionality to lock in tokens for a specfic period of time before transfering them to the users.
- Truffle
- Web3JS
- VSCode
- Git Bash
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd vestingContract
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set environment variables:
- create a .env file in project Directory.
- set the following variables,
OWNER = "public_key_of_owner"
MNUEMONIC_KEY = "12_words_mnuemonic_to_initiate_a_transaction"
NETWORK_URL = networkurl_of_an_apinode_to_connect_to_blockchain
Start truffle inbuilt blockchain node - truffle develop
to compile - compile
to migrate- migrate
Test cases are written for testing various functions
provide value 1 as input to ERC20 contract while deployment which creates an initial supply of 10^6 tokens.
Once token contract is deployed, we take its address as input and provide it as an input to vesting contract while deployment
Initially the Cliff and Vesting Duration period is set to "0", as if not then we will have to wait for a certain period of time before releasing the tokens.
### allocateTokensForRoles
- addBeneficiary
- revokeBeneficiary
- releaseTokens
- withdrawTokens
- getTokensReleased
- getTokensWithdrawn
Note:- Apart from these there are some other internal funtions.
Contracts are deployed at Ropsten Network
GATCoin contract is deployed at (0x149fEec8df7ae567B76B014bf3D19C88b50ADC35) Etherscan link -
Vesting contract is deployed at (0xaE8C750F28c647EFf3d704A8796AdeE795384ddB) Etherscan link -
### License and Copyright
Copyright © 2022
Solulab Pvt Ltd.
### Author Info
- GitHub - [@mailer3261](
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