Changelog follow this format from 2.7.7 Keep a changelog
- Fixes creation of empty subscribers which happens in some situations (thanks to mmenozzi)
- Prevents JS errors in admin pages where Mailup elements are not visible (thanks to azambon)
- Prevents observer call when saving subscriber from webhook (thanks to mmenozzi)
- add compatibility for php7 (thanks to azambon)
- change license version
- [fix] admin config | close save config only to mailup section
- [fix] admin config | refactoring field check
- [dev] admin config | add skip test console url option
- [imp] gitignore | move IDE project ignore to global
- [dev] ip filter | send client ip for spam checking
- [fix] SUPEE-6788 | Fix adminhtml url
- [fix] APPSEC-1034 magento patch
- [fix] SUPEE-6788 | Fix access for non-admin user to config section
- Resolved issues with auto-sync feature
- Improved auto-sync performance