A Decidim module to add JWT token based API authentication possibility to Decidim.
The API authentication module provides a new endpoint for API authentication and a method to check for an active authentication token header for each request.
Based on Devise::JWT.
The development has been sponsored by the City of Helsinki.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "decidim-apiauth"
And then execute:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rails decidim_apiauth:install:migrations
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
Then, configure a secret key by adding the following to your application's
<<: *default
# ...
secret_key_jwt: generate_a_key_here
<<: *default
# ...
secret_key_jwt: generate_a_key_here
# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
<<: *default
# ...
secret_key_jwt: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_JWT"] %>
You can generate the key from the console by running:
$ bundle exec rails secret
abcdef123456... <-- (This printed line is the secret)
- Login
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/sign_in' \
--form 'user[email]="[email protected]"' \
--form 'user[password]="decidim123456"'
- Save jwt web token from response
- Include token to further requests
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer replace_this_with_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"{\n session {\nuser {\n id\n nickname\n}\n}\n}","variables":{}}'
In case you run into problems like getting: {"data":{"session":null}}
- Make sure you aren't logged already
- In production / staing check that request URL has https protocol (not http)!
- Make sure that request has
Content-Type: application/json
- If you are using Postman, create clean new request
- Make sure that secrets (secrets.yml) are entered correctly:
secret_key_jwt: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_JWT"] %>
environment variable has been set.
By default, API authentication is necessary if the Decidim organization is set to force authentication.
If you want to make API authentication necessary for public instances, you can use the following configuration option:
# config/initializers/decidim.rb
Decidim::Apiauth.configure do |config|
config.force_api_authentication = true
See Decidim.
To run the tests run the following in the gem development path:
$ bundle
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rake test_app
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rspec
Note that the database user has to have rights to create and drop a database in order to create the dummy test app database.
In case you are using rbenv and have the
rbenv-vars plugin installed for it, you
can add these environment variables to the root directory of the project in a
file named .rbenv-vars
. In this case, you can omit defining these in the
commands shown above.
If you want to generate the code coverage report for the tests, you can use
environment variable in the rspec command as follows:
$ SIMPLECOV=1 bundle exec rspec
This will generate a folder named coverage
in the project root which contains
the code coverage report.