Releases: maltaisn/icondialoglib
Releases · maltaisn/icondialoglib
- Added 12 icons, updated 4 icons.
- Added convenience method `setSelectedIcon(int iconId)`` for selecting a single icon
- Changed
- Removed BroadcastReceiver for language change, it was not unregistered
- Search bar now has search action and keyboard is hidden on enter.
- Synchronized some methods
- Initial release
- Customizable styles for almost every part of the dialog
- Many available options
- Single or multiple selection
- Enable search and search language
- Show category headers, sticky headers
- Show clear selection button
- Disable speicific categories and icons
- Ability to customize search algorithm and icon sorting
- Ability to add extra categories and icons with labes, can overwrite default ones
- Dialog is automatically restored on configuration change