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File metadata and controls

253 lines (187 loc) · 8.42 KB

Editing Home Page Content

To edit the content on the home page, namely the "Quick Blurb" section below the banner photo, update the located in the root directory or here. As shown below, the you may edit the title and the subtitle.

    title: Quick Blurb
    subtitle: This section displays optional page content lorem ipsum

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud e

In order to update the content, you may update the lorem-ipsum below the second ---

Posts (NEWS)

To create a new news page, you can create a new markdown file inside the _posts directory here by following the recommended file naming format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:

Post requires front matter, everything in between the first and second --- are part of the YAML Front Matter, and everything after the second --- will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”. The following is a post file with different configurations you can add as example:

layout: post
title: Headline Title Here
categories: [news, presentations, etc]
author: John Black
excerpt: Preview excerpt of article (could be first sentence of your article).

Continued Markdown Content here to be converted to HTML.

Adding Projects

To create a new news page, you can create a new markdown file inside the _projects directory here. You may name the file anything you'd like (i.e.,,, as long as it is an .md file.

Use the following example template:

layout: post
title: SLATE
categories: [projects]
author: Jeremy Van
icon: /assets/projects/slate-logo.png
excerpt: Services Layered At The Edge

- Where "icon" refers to the location of your project's image.

- Remember to add a photo to the '/assets/projects/' directory, which you'll be able to reference here. The page will still render the markdown with or without the image.
  • Once you've created this project's markdown, please also make a copy of this markdown file, and add it to the /_docs directory here, otherwise it will not come up in the search table of content (TOC) documentation. You may, quite literally, copy and paste the markdown file from _project to _docs

  • Please note, to add the follow lines in the content of your doc copy, in order to generate the sidebar table of contents


Adding Collaborations

To create a new news page, you can create a new markdown file inside the _collaborations directory here. You may name the file anything you'd like (i.e.,,, as long as it is an .md file.

Use the following example template:

layout: collaboration_post
title: ATLAS
categories: [collaborations]
author: Jeremy Van
icon: /assets/collaborations/atlas_logo.png
excerpt: stuff about cern
- Very similar to adding a Projects page

- Where "icon" refers to the location of your project's image.

- Remember to add a photo to the '/assets/collaborations/' directory, which you'll be able to reference here. The page will still render the markdown with or without the image.
  • Once you've created this collaboration's markdown, please also make a copy of this markdown file, and add it to the /_docs directory here, otherwise it will not come up in the search table of content (TOC) documentation. You may, quite literally, copy and paste the markdown file from _collaborations to _docs

  • Please note, to add the follow lines in the content of your doc copy, in order to generate the sidebar table of contents


Editing History Timeline

To edit the content on the history timeline, you may add/edit the content located in /_data/changelog.yml or here using the following format:

- title: Maniac Lab
  label: STABLE
  date: Oct 21, 2017
  img: prc_building_2.jpg # Note that any photos must be placed/saved in `/assets/posts/`
  - The timeline is displayed from top to bottom as listed in the changelog.yml file
  - So despite given date, be sure to place your timeline accordingly

Adding images

To keep things more organized, add timeline and post images to /assets/posts/ directory, add project images to /assets/projects/ directory, add collaboration images to /assets/collaborations.

To add an image to a post or page use the following codes: Local image from /assets/posts/ directory:

{% include image.html img="girl.jpg" alt="Alt for image" caption="Girl on a rock" %}

External wide image with lightbox:

{% include image.html img="" lightbox="true" alt="Alt for image" caption="Image in lightbox" %}

Adding table of contents

Add the following code at the top of the post:

#### Sections in this article

{:.no_toc} exludes #### Sections in this article title from indexing in table of contents


You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run bundle exec jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Install the dependencies with Bundler:

bundle install

Run the following to generate your site:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Responsive Videos

Embed local videos:

<video controls playsinline uk-video="automute: true">
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="" type="video/ogg">

Embed YouTube videos:

<iframe src=";showinfo=0&amp;rel=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;playsinline=1" width="600" height="340" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen uk-responsive uk-video="automute: true"></iframe>


To create a document post, just create a new page inside the root directory and add the following code in content:

{% include faqs.html %}

Create new doc post entries in _docs folder, similar to creating posts, but with following front matter settings:

layout: doc
title: Category hosting Setting up new domain and page
subtitle: This is optional doc subtitle
tags: featured development
author: peter

Sidebar navigation on docs post can edited in _data/navigation_docs.yml:

- title: Getting Started    # Section title
  - home                    # Doc file name from _docs folder
  - quickstart
  - installation
  - windows


To modify the primary color, open /_sass/theme/variables.scss and replace the color values e.g.:

// Main content
$color-main: #800000;

Further style customisation can be done in the following files:


Google Analytics

To enable Google Anaytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:

  google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N

Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production

Google Map

To display Google map on contact page, add the following in your page content, replacing latitude, longitude and zoom values:

{% include map.html latitude="40.6700" longitude="-73.9400" zoom="16" %}

Contact Form (via FormSpree)

Submit the form and confirm your email address at FormSpree. Then add the following lines to contact page YAML Front Matter, replacing the email address:

    email: [email protected]
    redirect: /thanks/

Update favicon

You can find the current favicon (favicon.png) inside the theme /assets/img/ directory, just replace it with your new favicon.