Migrating schema & data between supabase projects. You can use the following Python notebook for full migration:
- Install PSQL & pgdump on your system (macOS, Windows or Linux).
- Edit project data in the scripts you will use.
- Run the script you selected 😊
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#Edit here:
# Default case for Linux sed, just use "-i"
case "$(uname)" in
# For macOS, use two parameters
Darwin*) sedi=(-i "")
pg_dump "$OLD_SUPAVISOR_URL" \
--if-exists \
--clean \
--quote-all-identifiers \
--schema-only \
--no-owner --no-privileges \
--exclude-schema 'extensions|graphql|graphql_public|net|tiger|pgbouncer|vault|realtime|supabase_functions|storage|pg*|information_schema' \
--schema '*' > dump.sql
pg_dump "$OLD_SUPAVISOR_URL" \
--quote-all-identifiers \
--no-owner --no-privileges \
--data-only \
--exclude-schema 'extensions|graphql|graphql_public|net|tiger|pgbouncer|vault|realtime|supabase_functions|storage|pg*|information_schema' \
--schema '*' > data_dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "auth";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "storage";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/-- ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/' dump.sql
psql "$NEW_SUPAVISOR_URL" --file dump.sql
psql "$NEW_SUPAVISOR_URL" --file data_dump.sql
Download the script above.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#Edit here:
# Default case for Linux sed, just use "-i"
case "$(uname)" in
# For macOS, use two parameters
Darwin*) sedi=(-i "")
pg_dump "$OLD_SUPAVISOR_URL" \
--if-exists \
--clean \
--quote-all-identifiers \
--schema-only \
--no-owner --no-privileges \
--exclude-schema 'extensions|graphql|graphql_public|net|tiger|pgbouncer|vault|realtime|supabase_functions|storage|pg*|information_schema' \
--schema '*' > dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "auth";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "storage";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/-- ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/' dump.sql
psql "$NEW_SUPAVISOR_URL" --file dump.sql
Download the script above.
You can display the output to console by adding an extra
to the first line of the script.Example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash -x
Alternatively, feel free to use the colab that does both migrations:
Note The Storage migration script requires supabase-py.
Warning You still need to re-create the RLS policies for the buckets.
Dependencies (for MIME identification):
sudo apt-get install libmagic1
You'll need DLLs for libmagic. @julian-r maintains a pypi package with the DLLs, you can fetch it with:
pip install python-magic-bin
- When using Homebrew:
brew install libmagic
- When using macports:
port install file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Edit here:
# Script:
from supabase import create_client
import os
import re
import magic
filedata = ''
# Function to recursively copy files and directories
def copy_files(old_client, new_client, bucket_name, path):
objects = old_client.storage.from_(bucket_name).list(path=path)
for obj in objects:
if obj['metadata'] is None: # It's a directory
subdirectory = os.path.join(path, obj['name'])
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(subdirectory):
copy_files(old_client, new_client, bucket_name, subdirectory)
print(f"Downloading {path}/{obj['name']}")
# Download file
download_path = os.path.join(path, obj['name'])
with open(download_path, 'wb') as f:
res = old_client.storage.from_(bucket_name).download(f"{path}/{obj['name']}")
# Get MIME type
mime_type = magic.from_file(os.path.abspath(download_path), mime=True)
# Upload file
print(f"Uploading file {path}/{obj['name']}")
with open(download_path, 'rb') as file_object:
print(f"File object type: {type(file_object)}")
print(f"File object content: {file_object.read()}")
new_client.storage.from_(bucket_name).upload(f"{path}/{obj['name']}", file_object, file_options={"content-type": mime_type, "x-upsert": 'true'})
# Delete local file after uploading
except Exception as e:
print("Error: ", e)
# Main function
def main():
# Create clients for the old & new projects
old_supabase_client = create_client(OLD_DB_URL, OLD_SERVICE_KEY)
new_supabase_client = create_client(NEW_DB_URL, NEW_SERVICE_KEY)
# Create all buckets
buckets = old_supabase_client.storage.list_buckets()
for bucket in buckets:
print("Copying objects from", bucket.name)
# Check if the bucket exists before creating it
if not new_supabase_client.storage.get_bucket(bucket.name):
new_supabase_client.storage.create_bucket(bucket.name, options={"public": bucket.public})
except Exception as e:
print("Unable to create bucket:", e)
# Copy files recursively
copy_files(old_supabase_client, new_supabase_client, bucket.name, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Download the script above.
You can use the following colab to download your storage objects and the DB.sql data:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#Edit here:
# Default case for Linux sed, just use "-i"
case "$(uname)" in
# For macOS, use two parameters
Darwin*) sedi=(-i "")
pg_dump "$SUPAVISOR_URL" \
--if-exists \
--clean \
--quote-all-identifiers \
--schema-only \
--no-owner --no-privileges \
--exclude-schema 'extensions|graphql|graphql_public|net|tiger|pgbouncer|vault|realtime|supabase_functions|storage|pg*|information_schema' \
--schema '*' > dump.sql
pg_dump "$SUPAVISOR_URL" \
--quote-all-identifiers \
--no-owner --no-privileges \
--data-only \
--exclude-schema 'extensions|graphql|graphql_public|net|tiger|pgbouncer|vault|realtime|supabase_functions|storage|pg*|information_schema' \
--schema '*' > data_dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e's/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";$/-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "auth";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "auth";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^CREATE SCHEMA "storage";$/-- CREATE SCHEMA "storage";/' dump.sql
sed "${sedi[@]}" -e 's/^ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/-- ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE "supabase_admin"/' dump.sql
Download the script above.