diff --git a/docs/source/cutting.rst b/docs/source/cutting.rst
index 5f2812d65..3f55640bd 100644
--- a/docs/source/cutting.rst
+++ b/docs/source/cutting.rst
@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ integrate over [0,3], [3,6], [6,9] and [9,10] respectively.
Cuts with the same range from multiple datasets can be plotted by first selecting multiple workspaces in the left panel.
-There are two different methods to compute cuts: ``Rebin`` and ``Integration``.
-**NOTE: for mantid major releases from** ``v6.40``\ **, the default cutting algorithm has been changed from** ``Rebin``
-**to** ``Integration``\ **. For more detail on this change, and cutting algorithms in general, see the** *Cutting Algorithms*
-**section below**.
+There are two different methods to compute cuts: ``Rebin`` and ``Integration``, which can be selected from the
+``Cut Algorithm`` drop down menu. The difference between these methods are described in the :ref:`Cutting_Algorithms`
+section below and in more detail in the :ref:`Mathematical_Reference`.
Clicking on the ``Norm to 1`` check box will cause the resulting cut data to be normalised such that the maximum of the data
of each cut is unity.
@@ -92,12 +91,33 @@ that tab.
When MSlice is used as a Mantid interface ``MD Histo`` type workspaces can also be saved to Mantid Workbench by clicking the
``Save to Workbench`` button either on the ``MD Histo`` or the ``Cut`` tab.
+.. _Cutting_Algorithms:
Cutting Algorithms
-There are two different methods used to compute cuts. ``Rebin`` uses the basic rebinning algorithms directly and effectively averages
-the counts in the integration range, whilst ``Integration`` sums the counts in the integration range.
-For mantid major releases from ``v6.40``, the default cutting algorithm has been changed from ``Rebin`` to ``Integration``. This change
-has been made because the ``Integration`` method can be used for both absolute and non-absolute units measurements. Conversely, for
-absolute units measurements the ``Rebin`` method will give incorrect and misleading values.
-As a result of this change, it is expected that values calculanced henceforth will differ from those calculated historically, if the
-default integration method has been used.
+There are two different methods used to compute cuts:
+- ``Integration`` sums the (signal :math:`\times` bin width) in the integration range.
+- ``Rebin`` averages the signal in the integration range.
+The two methods are described in more detail in the :ref:`Mathematical_Reference`,
+but in short, there is a bin-dependent conversion factor between the two types of
+cuts which depends on the data coverage in the integration range of that bin.
+That is, if the integration range does not include regions without data
+(e.g. due to kinematic constraints), then the two cuts will be equivalent except
+for a constant scaling factor (proportional to the integration range).
+However, if the integration range overlaps regions without data,
+then the two cuts will give markedly different results.
+The default method is ``Rebin`` and is more suitable for DOS-types cuts which
+integrate over :math:`|Q|` whilst if you are interested in cross-sections and
+are integrating over energy transfer, it is recommended to use ``Integration``.
+There is an option in the ``Cut`` tab to change the cut algorithm from ``Rebin``
+to ``Integration`` or vice versa and this setting will be saved for subsequent
+similar cuts on the same workspace.
+You can also change the default using the ``Options`` menu, ``Cut algorithm default``
+entry. This will change the default cut algorithm *for this session of MSlice*
+(the default algorithm will revert to ``Rebin`` if you restart MSlice).
diff --git a/docs/source/images/math_ref/rebin_cuts.png b/docs/source/images/math_ref/rebin_cuts.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94279ca61
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/images/math_ref/rebin_cuts.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/images/math_ref/rebin_grids.svg
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index 7cb4b79a9..74412db5c 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ to report any bugs or suggest any improvements to the program.
+ math_ref
* :ref:`search`
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/math_ref.rst
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+.. _Mathematical_Reference:
+Mathematical Reference
+This page describes the mathematical operations behind the ``Slice`` and ``Cut`` operations of MSlice
+In general, MSlice handles "reduced" (processed) inelastic neutron scattering data which has been
+binned (histogrammed) in energy transfer for each detector / position-sensitive-detector (PSD) element.
+We will use the terminology of the `Horace `_ program and
+refer to these energy-detector-element bins as "pixels".
+Since the detector elements are in the laboratory coordinates, but we often want to plot the data
+in reciprocal space, a coordinate transformation is needed.
+This means that the input and output binning grids of the data will not be axis aligned, and will
+instead look something like this:
+.. _grid_figure:
+.. image:: images/math_ref/rebin_grids.svg
+ :width: 600
+Where the square red grid represents the target (output) bins, and the slanted green grids
+(parallelograms) represents the original bins ("pixels").
+As discussed in the :ref:`PSD_and_non-PSD_modes` section, MSlice makes a distinction between
+**PSD** (fine green grid) and **non-PSD** (coarser green grid) data.
+A ``Slice`` refers to a rebin into a two dimensional output, whilst a ``Cut`` is a rebin _or_
+integration into a one dimensional output.
+For each type of data (**PSD** and **non-PSD**) we will describe each operation in turn.
+PSD Slice
+For **PSD** data, MSlice uses *centre-point rebinning*, treating each input bin ("pixel") as a
+point and summing the full signal of each pixel whose centres lie within an output bin
+(illustrated in the image by the darker green shading in top left, with dots marking centres).
+Thus the output signal in the :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin, :math:`Y_{ij}`, is:
+.. math::
+ Y_{ij} = \frac{1}{N_{kl}} \sum_{kl} y_{kl}
+where :math:`y_{kl}` is the input signal in the input :math:`(k,l)`\ th bin
+and the sum runs over the :math:`N_{kl}` number of bins whose centres lie within the
+boundaries of the :math:`(i,j)`\ th output bin.
+The above expression uses the ``NumEventsNormalization`` convention of Mantid which is the
+same as that adopted by the `Horace `_ program.
+The error values are considered to be standard deviations and are summed in quadrature.
+PSD Cut
+Since MSlice allows users to specify bins in the non-integrating direction which are not
+necessarily aligned with respect to the original data, a rebinning step as described above
+is needed for the ``Cut`` operation too.
+This leads to the two types of behaviour ("algorithms") for the ``Cut`` operation described
+in the :ref:`Cutting_Algorithms` section:
+- The default ``Rebin`` method just uses the rebinning described above with one axis having
+ only a single bin.
+- The ``Integration`` method first rebins the data as described above with the integration axis
+ divided into :math:`N_{\mathrm{int}} =` 100 bins.
+ It then calls the relevant Mantid algorithm
+ (`IntegrateMDHistoWorkspace `_\ )
+ to integrate (sums the signal) in those 100 bins.
+Taking the :math:`j` index to be over the integration axis, the integrated ``Cut`` signal
+:math:`C_i` is then given by:
+.. math::
+ C_i^{\mathrm{integration}} = w_i \sum_{j \in \mathcal{D}} Y_{ij}
+where the index :math:`j` only runs over regions with data :math:`\mathcal{D}`, and the width
+:math:`w_i = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{D}} w_{ij}` where :math:`w_{ij}` is the width in the
+:math:`j`\ th direction of the :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin.
+Note that the equivalent expression for a ``Rebin`` cut is simply:
+.. math::
+ C_i^{\mathrm{rebin}} = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} Y_{ij}
+where now the index :math:`j` runs over the full integration range :math:`\mathcal{F}`.
+The difference is thus a coordinate-dependent weighting factor :math:`w_i`.
+If the integration range *does not include regions without data* (e.g. :math:`\mathcal{D} \equiv \mathcal{F}`)
+then all the :math:`w_i` will be equal to the full integration width and the difference between
+:math:`C_i^{\mathrm{integration}}` and :math:`C_i^{\mathrm{rebin}}` is a constant.
+However, if the integration range covers region with no data (e.g. beyond the kinematic limits)
+then the two cuts *may* look very different because :math:`C_i^{\mathrm{integration}}` will weight
+regions with data more heavily than regions without data.
+Non-PSD Slice
+For **non-PSD** data, MSlice uses *fractional rebinning*, where it first calculates the
+overlap area between the input and output bins, and then sums only the fraction of the
+signal of the input bins which overlaps the output bin.
+The output signal is computed as:
+.. math::
+ Y_{ij} = \left. \sum_{kl} y_{kl} f_{kl} \right/ \sum_{kl} f_{kl}
+and the output uncertainty as:
+.. math::
+ E_{ij} = \left. \sqrt{\sum_{kl} e^2_{kl} f_{kl}} \right/ \sum_{kl} f_{kl}
+where :math:`f_{kl}` is the fractional overlap of the input :math:`(k,l)`\ th bin with
+the output :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin.
+This is illustrated in the :ref:`figure ` at the start of the page by the square on the right
+hand side with blue triangular and orange quadrilateral shaded regions.
+The blue and orange shading illustrates the fractional overlap areas which weights
+the signal in the top left and top right input bins (large parallelograms) respectively.
+Non-PSD Cuts
+Like for **PSD** data, there are two ``Cut`` "algorithms" for **non-PSD** data also.
+The ``Rebin`` cut algorithm performs the same operation described in the previous section
+but with a single bin in the integration axis, yielding
+.. math::
+ C_i^{\mathrm{rebin}} = \left. \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} Y_{ij} \right/ \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} F_{ij}
+where :math:`F_{ij} = \sum_{kl} f_{kl}`, and :math:`\mathcal{F}` indicates the full integration range.
+In order to support rebinning in the non-integration axis, the ``Integration`` algorithm
+first rebins the data into the desired bins in the non-integration axis,
+and 100 bins in the integration axis and then sums them as:
+.. math::
+ C_i^{\mathrm{integration}} = \left. N_i \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} Y_{ij} w_{ij} \right/ \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} F_{ij}
+where :math:`N_i = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{D}} 1` is the number of :math:`j` bins at a given
+:math:`i` *with non-zero fraction* (e.g. if the integration contains only regions with data
+then :math:`N_i` = 100, otherwise :math:`N_i` will be less),
+and :math:`w_{ij}` is the width along the :math:`j`\ th axis of the :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin.
+The :math:`N_i` normalisation is needed because in the limiting case where all the fractions
+:math:`F_{ij}` are unity, the denominator would be :math:`N_i`, so we recover the usual
+expression for integrating over a distribution.
+Note that as previously, :math:`\mathcal{D}` indicates the region within the integration
+range with data (in this case equivalent to regions with non-zero fractions).
+Like with the **PSD** case there is thus an :math:`i` dependent scaling factor :math:`N_i w`
+(assuming all the bins have the same width) between ``Cuts`` computed using the ``Rebin`` or
+``Integration`` algorithm.
+This scaling factor is a constant if the integration range includes only regions with data
+(e.g. :math:`\mathcal{D} \equiv \mathcal{F}`), but will not be constant if the integration
+overlaps regions without data.
+The difference is illustrated below:
+.. image:: images/math_ref/rebin_cuts.png
+The cuts have been normalised to the peak intensity so that the constant scaling factor between
+the two algorithms factorises out.
+In the top cut, integrating over :math:`6 \leq |Q| < 8 \mathrm{\AA}^{-1}` there are no regions
+without data so the two cuts are equivalent except for a constant scaling factor.
+In the bottom cut, integrating over :math:`8 \leq |Q| < 10 \mathrm{\AA}^{-1}` there is a large
+region with no data, so now cuts from the two techniques differ markedly.
+At :math:`E<0` meV Where the data covers the full integration range, we have :math:`N_i` = 100
+and the two cuts are equivalent.
+As :math:`E` increases, :math:`N_i` decreases until at around 20 meV, it is :math:`N_i` = 50,
+and we see that at that point the (normalised) ``Integration`` cut is half the intensity of
+the (normalised) ``Rebin`` cut.
+A note on units
+One advantage of inelastic neutron scattering over other techniques is that it is (relatively)
+easy to normalise the measured data to absolute units.
+At the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source if this normalisation is done, then the signal will be in
+units of [milibarns per steradian per meV per formula unit] or [mb/sr/meV/f.u.].
+An ``Integration`` over energy would then yield a differential cross-section in [mb/sr/f.u.],
+whereas a ``Rebin`` over energy would leave the units unchanged at [mb/sr/meV/f.u.].
+However, an ``Integration`` over :math:`|Q|` instead of energy will yield units of
+[mb/Å/sr/meV/f.u.] rather [mb/meV/f.u.] and as such it may be more useful to perform an
+average ``Rebin`` which will leave the units unchanged.
+Unfortunately, the input files read by MSlice do not indicate if the signal values saved
+are in absolute units or not, so MSlice cannot automatically display the correct units on plots
+- this is left to the user.
+A note on the regions of validity of the two algorithms
+As can be seen in the example above, the ``Integration`` cut algorithm will produce low signals
+where there is less data, whereas the ``Rebin`` cut algorithm will amplify the signals in such
+regions. In effect, it assumes that the signal is constant across the integration range and
+can be extrapolated over regions without data (so the only manifestation of the lack of data
+are larger errorbars associated with these bins).
+This assumption *may* be valid for density-of-states (DOS) type cuts where one would expect
+that the signal is approximately constant over :math:`|Q|` and only varies in energy.
+Thus for these applications, it may be suitable to chose the ``Rebin`` algorithm, and to
+extrapolate the high-energy, high-:math:`|Q|` regions which are kinematically inaccessible.
+Conversely, for integration over energy - for example over the elastic line to compute a
+differential cross-section or over a finite energy crystal field excitation to obtain a
+magnetic cross-section, the ``Integration`` algorithm should be chosen else the signal
+in the cut will vary with the integration range and would not be a cross-section.