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So your code is compiling, tested, benched, and ready to be shared. How to get it into the wild? This document will go through what's next.

Generally speaking, the workflow for a node-addon isn't much different than publishing a regular Javascript node module. The main difference is an added step and a bit more configuration in order to handle the binary. If the concept of a binary file is new, give this doc a gander.

The typical workflow for a regular node module may look something like this:

  1. merge to master
  2. git tag
  3. npm publish (Now it's ready to be npm installed)

The workflow for a node add-on looks very similar:

  1. merge to master
  2. git tag
  3. publish binaries
  4. npm publish

Let's talk generally about the relationship between the third and fourth steps. Since your code is in C++, any projects that npm install your module as a dependency will need the C++ code precompiled so that Node can use your module in Javascript world. Before publishing your module to npm, you will publish your binaries by putting them on s3 (Note: you will likely publish multiple binaries, one for each Node version and various operating systems). This s3 location is reflected in your module's package.json file. Your package.json file is also redefining the install command, by running node-pre-gyp instead.

Node-pre-gyp is responsible for installing the binary by pulling the relevant binary from s3 and placing it in the specified and expected location defined by your module's main index.js file. So when a project runs require() on your module, they are directly accessing the binary. In a bit more detail, node-pre-gyp will detect what version of Node is being used and which operating system, then go to s3 to retrieve the binary that matches.

Continue reading below to learn how to publish your binaries to s3 so they're ready to be installed.

Publishing Binaries

It's a good idea to publish pre-built binaries of your module if you want others to be able to easily install it on their system without needing to install a compiler like g++ or clang++. Node-pre-gyp does a lot of the heavy lifting for us (like detecting which system you are building on and deploying to s3) but you'll need a few things configured to get started.

1) In the package.json, update the "binary" field to the appropriate s3 bucket host.

For Mapbox staff we recommend using a host setting of "host": "", which will publish to s3://mapbox-node-binary/<your module name>.

Note: for namespaced modules the path will end up being s3://mapbox-node-binary/@org/<your module name>.

2) Copy the ci.template.js

Copy the ci.template.js from this repo into your repo and place it at ./cloudformation/ci.template.js

3) Install deps for validating and managing cloudformation templates

npm install -g @mapbox/cfn-config # deploying stacks
npm install -g @mapbox/cloudfriend # validating and building templates

4) Create a user with permissions to upload to s3://<bucket name>/<your module name>/

First configure your AWS creds. You will need to set at least the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys. And also AWS_SESSION_TOKEN if you are using 2-factor auth.

Then run:

validate-template cloudformation/ci.template.js
build-template cloudformation/ci.template.js > cloudformation/ci.template

Next we will actually create the user. But first let's discuss what happens here. In addition to creating the user we also write details about the user to a separate bucket (for east auditing purposes). In the below command we:

Now, run the command to create the user:

cfn-config create ci-binary-publish cloudformation/ci.template -c cfn-configs

It will prompt you, choose:

  • New configuration
  • Ready to create the stack? Y

It will fail if the stack already exists. In this case you can recreate a new user by deleting the stack by running ./node_modules/.bin/cfn-config delete ci-binary-publish cloudformation/ci.template and then creating a new one.

5) Get the user keys

After the create step succeeds you will have a new user. You now need to get get the users AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey.

You can do this in two ways: 1) finding the keys through the AWS console, or 2) using cfn-config to show the stack information

Tokens via cfn-config

Run the command cfn-config info ci-binary-publish and you'll see a JSON output with AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey.

Tokens via the AWS console

6) Add the keys to the travis

Adding to travis UI settings

  • Go to
  • Scroll to the bottom and find the Environment Variables section
  • Add a variable called AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and put the value of the AccessKeyId in it
  • CRITICAL: Choose OFF for Display value in build log to ensure the variables are not shown in the logs
  • Click Add
  • Add a variable called AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and put the value of the SecretAccessKey in it
  • CRITICAL: Choose OFF for Display value in build log to ensure the variables are not shown in the logs
  • Click Add

7) All done!

Now that you have generated keys for a user that can publish to s3 and provided these keys to travis in a secure way, you should be able to publish binaries. But this should be done in an automated way. See the next section below for how to do that with

Publishing on Travis CI

This project includes a script/ command that builds binaries and publishes them to s3. This script checks your commit message for either [publish binary] or [republish binary] in order to begin publishing. This allows you to publish binaries according to the version specified in your package.json like this:

git commit -m 'releasing 0.1.0 [publish binary]'

Republishing a binary overrides the current version and must be specified with [republish binary].

Adding new operating systems and node versions

The .travis.yml file uses the matrix to set up each individual job, which specifies the operating system, node version, and other environment variables for running the scripts. To add more operating systems and node versions to the binaries you publish, add another job to the matrix like this:

- os: {operating system}
  env: NODE="{your node version}" TARGET="Release"
  install: *setup
  script: *test
  after_script: *publish

Dev releases

You may want to test your module works correctly, in downstream dependencies, before formally publishing. To do this we recommend you:

  1. Create a branch of your node c++ module

  2. Modify the version string in your package.json like:

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index e00b7b5..22f7cd9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "@mapbox/node-cpp-skel",
-  "version": "0.1.0",
+  "version": "0.1.0-alpha",
   "description": "Skeleton for bindings to C++ libraries for Node.js using NAN",
   "url": "",
   "main": "./lib/index.js",
  1. Publishing C++ binaries by pushing a commit with [publish binary] per

  2. Option A) Require your module in downstream applications like:

"your-module": "<your-org>/<your-module>/tarball/<your-branch>",

If you're publishing from a private repo, generate a dev release and then reference the url in the appropriate package.json file. For example, zip the repo, put to S3, and then reference the S3 url in package.json.

Option B) Issue a npm dev release after the binary is published.

Run npm publish --tag dev and then require your module in downstream applications like:

"your-module": "0.1.0-alpha",

For npm dev releases, it’s good to use the --tag <something> to avoid publishing to the latest tag. If you run npm publish then 0.1.0-alpha is what anyone running npm install <your module> --save will receive.

Before npm publish

Before publishing to npm, you can ensure the final packaged tarball will include what you expect. For instance, you want to avoid a large accidental file being packaged by npm and make sure the package contains all needed dependencies.

Take a peek at what npm will publish by running:

make testpack

This will create a tarball locally and print every file included. A couple basic checks:

  • make sure .mason is not included
  • make sure node-pre-gyp directory is included, because it is responsible for knowing where to grab the binary from s3.

Hot tips 🌶️

  • Node and npm versions can have differing npm pack and npm publish behaviour, so be mindful of what your environment is using
  • You can use the resulting tarball locally and install it within another local repo to make sure it works:
npm install <path to tarball>