Not all commits are going to be explained here.
- Removed the npm module
- Improved error thrower.
- Added an option to hide or show errors on results
- Revamped all the design, no it's using DrebleJS ("framework" made by me)
- Some changes.
- v0.1.0
- Created an npm package!
- Improved define
- Added typed variables (string,number & boolean)
- Errors will be showed on the javascript result (playground)
- Improved if
- Now you can pass parameters while calling functions
- Deleted old main.js
- Testing IF conditional
- Testing "define"
- Will throw error in case you try to modify a final variable
- Added changelog button on the page
- Now you can write comments between /* and */
- Option to execute and autocompile
- Now it also autocompiles when you delete code
- Carbonara only works on chromium-based browsers or Samsung Browser.
- Improved grammar error detection
- Bug fixes
- Now you can redefine a function
- New design
- Added highlighting
- Fixed, now you can print variables
- Added info on playground
- Improvements
- Added a playground website! (link on readme)
- Fixed
- Added, now you can write pure JavaScript code between %% and %%
- You can now change the variables value
- Fixed some compression bug
- Changed temp to final
- Added var and flex type of variables
- Fixed, you were not able to call a function after just created it