Insurance fund contains funds that are used to cover shortfall in funding payments, additionally insurance fund accrues a portion of transaction fees and profits.
The instantiation message is empty.
Enables transfer of contract ownership and the beneficiary of insurance funds. Beneficiary is an address that is able to request funds held by the insurance fund contract.
"update_config": {
"owner": "juno..."
"beneficiary": "juno..."
Append vamm to list of supported vAMMs.
"add_vamm": {
"vamm": "juno..."
Remove vamm from list of supported vAMMs.
"remove_vamm": {
"vamm": "juno..."
Enables the beneficiary to request contract funds.
"withdraw": {
"token": "juno...",
"amount": "100",
Emergency shutdown function that halts all vAMMs trading.
"shutdown_vamms": {}
Returns contract parameters.
"config": {}
Returns bool showing if vamm is supported.
"is_vamm": {
"vamm": "juno..."
Returns list of supported vAMMs.
"get_all_vamm": {
"limit"?: 69,
Returns the status of all vAMMs supported.
"get_all_vamm_status": {
"limit"?: 69,
Returns the status of a specific vAMM.
"get_vamm_status": {
"vamm": "juno...",