Deploy to
(1)This is a composite action designed to simplify deployment to One of the main reasons to write this was to avoid a basic mistake with checking out the repository. The popular Github action actions/checkout
does a shallow clone by default which can sometimes break the site. This action does a full clone and sets up PHP as well before installing the CLI.
The project ID on You can find this using the CLI or the web console.
A token to access API. See instructions on docs.
The CLI generates a temporary certificate for use for deployment. However, you may still choose to provide a private key that lets you push via git. Create a specialized key used only for deployment and use Github secrets to keep your key safe.
The PHP version to use. This is directly passed to shivammathur/setup-php
. Default: 8.0
An option to force push changes to the project repository on Use with caution as force push overrides your commit history.
The name of the instance on which to act. Default: The current branch name.
No outputs.
uses: axelerant/platformsh-deploy-action@v1
project-id: ${{ secrets.PlatformProjectId }}
cli-token: ${{ secrets.PlatformCliToken }}
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.PlatformSshKey }}
php-version: 8.1
force-push: true
Deploy to is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.