R2 Release
(2)This action uploads a file to Cloudflare R2 (or any other S3 provider)
Required The S3 endpoint URL.
Required The S3 access key ID.
Required The S3 access key.
Required The S3 bucket you want to upload to.
Required Which file you want to upload
Optional Where you want the file to end up. Defaults to '/(filename)'.
uses: randomairborne/r2-release@main
endpoint: ${{ secrets.S3_ENDPOINT }}
accesskeyid: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
secretaccesskey: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
bucket: 'my-s3-bucket'
file: './target/release/my-app.exe'
destination: '/download/my-app.exe'
R2 Release is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.