How can I log the job metrics to the Marklogic error log?
- Logging can be enabled by setting METRICS-LOG-LEVEL property in options.
- Startup message is logged when CoRB job starts up and detailed metrics are logged when the job has finished.
- Logging can be enabled by setting METRICS-LOG-LEVEL property in options.
How can I set the log level when logging metrics to the Marklogic error log?
- METRICS-LOG-LEVEL property has the following possible values:
- none,emergency,alert,critical,error,warning,notice,info,config,debug,fine,finer,finest.
- Default value is none ( which means the metrics will not be logged to the error log).
- METRICS-LOG-LEVEL property has the following possible values:
What kind of details are logged?
- User provided options ( not the default options )
- Host Name
- Job run location
- Time taken for each of the stages of the CoRB job, i.e, INIT-MODULE, URIS-MODULE, PRE-BATCH-MODULE, PROCESS-MODULE, POST-BATCH-MODULE
- Failed transactions ( first 1000 failures)
- Slow transactions ( top 5 up to 100, sorted by the slowest )
- Start and end times
- Average transaction time
- Total tasks
- Total Number of failed tasks
- Current and average transactions per second
- Estimated time of completion
Are connection strings or passwords logged to the error log?
- No.
How can I save the metrics as a Document to the database?
- METRICS-DATABASE property will be used to save the metrics document to the database.
- Default format for metrics document is XML.
- METRICS-DATABASE is the only required option for the document to be saved to the database. If this option is not specified the document will not be saved to the Database.
Setting the METRICS-DATABASE option also log it to the server log?
- No. METRICS-LOG-LEVEL option needs to be set in order for CoRB to log to the server log.
How can I save metrics document in JSON format?
- METRICS-MODULE option can be used to save metrics document in JSON format
- When METRICS-MODULE option is set to an XQuery or JavaScript module, that module is executed after the CoRB job completes to save the metrics document.
- CoRB2 distribution comes with two sample modules that can be found in the resources folder.
- save-metrics.xqy
- This is the default and saves the metrics document as XML.
- saveMetrics.sjs
- This will save the metrics document as a JSON.
- Ex:METRICS-MODULE=saveMetrics.sjs|ADHOC
Can I add the metrics document to a Collection?
- A comma separated collection names can be assigned to METRICS-COLLECTIONS option, and the document is saved to those collections.
- By default, the metrics document is added to a Collection with the Job Name (or the Job run location if name is not provided).
Can I change the URI to which the metrics document is saved?
- METRICS-ROOT has a default value of /ServiceMetrics/
- JOB-NAME defaults to the job run location
I want to have complete control over how the metrics document is saved. Is that possible?
- You can use the above mentioned sample modules (saveMetrics.sjs and save-metric-to-db.xqy) as an example and implement your own customizations.
- Eg:METRICS-MODULE=/export/home/dev/saveMetricsCustom.sjs|ADHOC
How do I keep logging metrics document at regular intervals?
- You can use METRICS-SYNC-FREQUENCY option to specify the frequency at which the document should be saved to the database.
- CoRB logs the metrics by creating a new document in the database with a new timestamp as shown below.
- Eg:
- /my-dir/CoRB2/job-name/2017/9/22/16/16/1446989213638048899.xml
- /my-dir/CoRB2/job-name/2017/9/22/16/16/1446989213638048899.xml/10656720599806190856
- /my-dir/CoRB2/job-name/2017/9/22/16/16/1446989213638048899.xml/10846647439302775656
{ "job" : {
"name" : "TestJob",
"runLocation" : "/data/MarkLogic/corb2",
"host" : "www.marklogic.com",
"userProvidedOptions" :
"METRICS-MODULE" : "/saveMetrics2.sjs",
"METRICS-DATABASE" : "Documents",
"MODULE-ROOT" : "/",
"URIS-FILE" : "test-file-1.txt"
"StartTime" : "2017-04-23T19:01:10Z",
"endTime" : "2017-04-23T19:01:10Z",
"totalNumberOfTasks" : "10",
"totalRunTimeInMillis": "52074",
"numberOfFailedTasks" : "2",
"averageTransactionTimeInMillis" : "117.0",
"urisLoadTimeInMillis" : "2",
"preBatchRunTimeInMillis" : "16",
"postBatchRunTimeInMillis" : "5",
"failedTransactions" : ["uri1.xml","uri2.xml"],
"slowTransactions" :[{
"uri" : "uri.xml",
"rank" : "1",
"timeInMillis ": "20"}]
2017-04-27 10:19:26.814 Info: marklogic-corb-xdbc: STARTED CORB JOB:
2017-04-27 10:19:26.814 Info: marklogic-corb-xdbc: {"job":{"runLocation":"/home/dev/workspace/corb2","name":"testCorbMetrics","host":"localhost","StartTime":"2017-04-27T10:19:26Z"}}
2017-04-27 10:19:28.947 Info: marklogic-corb-xdbc: END RUNNING CORB JOB:
2017-04-27 10:19:28.947 Info: marklogic-corb-xdbc: {"job":{"runLocation":"/home/dev/workspace/corb2","name":"testCorbMetrics","host":"localhost","userProvidedOptions":{"METRICS-MODULE":"