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Rolf Kristensen edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 48 revisions

Configuration Syntax

  <target xsi:type="ElasticSearch" 
    <field name="String" layout="Layout" layoutType="Type" /><!-- repeated, optional -->


  • name - Name of the target. String
  • uri - Uri of a Elasticsearch node. Multiple can be passed comma separated. Ignored if cloud id is provided. Layout Default: http://localhost:9200
  • cloudId - Id of an elastic cloud hosted deployment. Layout Default: empty
  • index - Index to write to, if it doesn't exist it will be created. Layout Default: logstash-${date:format=yyyy.MM.dd}
  • documentType - Type of document. Layout Default: logevent
  • fields - A collection of fields. Each field contains a mapping between a NLog layout and a named field.
    • name - Name of the field. String
    • layout - Layout that should be used to calculate the value for the field. Layout
    • layoutType - .Net type to convert the field into. Type Default: System.String
  • includeAllProperties - Optionally include all properties from the log event. Boolean Default: False
  • excludedProperties - Works with includeAllProperties to exclude specific properties. String
  • maxRecursionLimit - Limits how far the reflection will go down the object graph. Introduce with 7.2.0. Default: -1
    • -1 = No limits without reference loop checking (Default - Can give stackoverflow/deadlock for complex objects)
    • 0 = No reflection only perform object ToString
    • 1 = Simple reflection where only direct properties are included.
    • 2 = Full reflection but with checking of reference loops
  • disableAutomaticProxyDetection (since version 2.0.5) - Optionally disable automatic proxy detection. Boolean
  • disablePing (since version 5.1.0) - Set it to true to disable use of ping to checking if node is alive. [Boolean]
  • EnableHttpCompression (since version 5.1.0) - Set it to true to enable HttpCompression (Must be enabled on server). [Boolean]
  • DisableCertificateValidation (since version 7.2.0) - Set it to true to disable SSL certificate validation. [Boolean]
  • pipeline (since version 5.1.0) -Optionally configure pipeline. Layout
  • proxyAddress (since version 7.2.0) - Optionally configure proxy address. Layout
  • proxyUserName (since version 7.2.0) - Optionally configure proxy login username. Layout
  • proxyPassword (since version 7.2.0) - Optionally configure proxy login password. Layout
  • requireAuth - Optionally enable basic authentication. Boolean Default: False
  • username - Username for basic authentication. Must be provided when using elastic cloud. Layout
  • password - Password for basic authentication. Must be provided when using elastic cloud. Layout

Including MDLC as Field (NET Core - BeginScope)

<target xsi:type="ElasticSearch">
    <field name="mdlc" layoutType="System.Object">
        <layout xsi:type="JsonLayout" includeMdlc="true" />

Using ConnectionString for ElasticSearch Uri

Example of appsettings.json

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ElasticUrl": "http://localhost:9200"

Can be extracted using ${configsetting} from NLog.Extensions.Logging nuget package:

  • ${configsetting:item=ConnectionStrings.ElasticUrl}

Example of app.config:

    <add name="ElasticUrl" connectionString="http://localhost:9200"/>

Can be extracted using ${appsetting} from when using NLog 4.6.5:

  • ${appsetting:item=ConnectionStrings.ElasticUrl}
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