We have created automated release for our cloud-devsecops-pipelineactions repository with semantic versioning.
- Overview
- Changes expected in repository
- Steps to be followed by Cloud9_DevSecOps Team
- Steps to be followed by Product Team
- Sending Notification on Major Release
Releases are deployable software iterations you can package and make available for a wider audience to download and use. Releases are based on Git tags, which mark a specific point in your repository's history.
Automated release done by GitHub action pipeline. Once changes merged to main branch, pipeline will execute and create tags and release.
Note: Product Team can continue to use latest tag, as changes will not break their pipelines.
Semantic versioning: <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<REVISION>
- Patch releases: 1.0.x
- Minor releases: 1.x.0
- Major releases: x.0.0
Pipeline will cover below steps,
- Defining Semantic Version
- Get Last commit tag
- Get the commit logs
- Based on the commit logs(#major/ #minor/ #patch), define semantic version.
- Replacing new version in files
- As we are refering our composite actions in our repository itself in action.yml files, replacing exiting version with new defined version.
- Push the changes in the main branch of the repository.
- Creating all three tag
- Deleting latest tag from the last commit.
- Creating three tags -
latest, v<semantic version>, v<semantic version>-<7-digit commitid>
. Eg: latest, v1.0.1, v1.0.1-1234567
- Creating Release
- Creating GitHub Release for tag
v<semantic-version>-<7-digit commitid>
- Based on the label mentioned in pull request, release notes will be created.
- Creating GitHub Release for tag
S.No | Change Description | Change Type | Version Type | Message need to include in commit message | Labels can be added in Pull Request |
1. | Introduce new functionality/ application as composite action | New feature | Major | #major | new-feature |
2. | Introducing new input/ additional fields in specific composite actions | New Input | Minor | #minor | additional-field |
3. | Switching to new tool eg: sonarqube to sonarcloud - This change may have same parameters/ new parameters will be introduced | New feature | Minor | #minor | additional-field/ new-feature |
4. | Any bug fixes in composite actions | Bug Fix | Patch | #patch | bug-fix |
5. | Upgrade marketplace action's version in action.yml | Action upgrade | Patch | #patch | enhancement |
6. | Update Documentation | Documentation | Patch | #patch | documentation |
- Create a branch from the main in cloud-devsecops-pipelineactions repository.
- Make your all changes.
- Add commit message for all commit.
- Mention version type in the commit message (#major/ #minor/ #patch). Please refer here.
- Raise Pull request to the main branch.
- Mention Label for your pull request like enhancement, documentation, bug-fix, new feature. Based on the this release notes will be created.
- Once pull request reviewed and merged with main branch, automation pipeline will trigger and create tags and releases.
Product Team can continue to use latest tag, as changes will not break their pipelines. If Product team need specific version of composite actions, they can follow these steps,
- Refer our releases.
- Mention specific version in you workflow.
Example: you choosed v1.0.1-1234567
- name: ========== AZURE WEB APP Deployment ========== uses: DigitalInnovation/cloud-devsecops-pipelineactions/workflows/CD/[email protected]
When new feature/ new funtionality(Major Changes) introduced in our repository, notification will be sent to all consumer repository using GitHub issues.
Workflow for creating consumer repository available here.
Note: Workflow will be triggered using repository dispatch event.