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PIX Query

Transaction to get the master patient ID of a patient in a community using the local ID.


Primary systems shall use this transaction to retrieve the master patient ID (XAD-SPID) for patients the primary systems wants to retrieve or provide documents for. In the Swiss EPR the IHE PIX V3 profile and transactions shall be used to retrieve the master patient ID.

To retrieve the master patient ID for the patient to access the patients EPR, the the primary system shall perform a Patient V3 Query [ITI-45]. Within the query request the primary system shall provide the local ID of the patient in the primary system, as well as the data source parameter of the assigning authority of the community and the the assigning authority EPR-SPID. The local ID must match the local ID the primary system registered the patient with (see PIX Feed).

If the patient is registered in the community, the community sends a response with the master patient ID (XAD-PID) and the EPR-SPID.


Message Semantics

Messages are encoded as described in the HL7 V3 standard with restictions defined in the IHE PIX V3 Query profile and the ordinances to the Swiss EPR.

Request Message

Due to the genericity of the underlying HL7 V3 standard, the request message is quite lengthy. A raw version of a request message may be found here.

For a step by step interpretation of the request message, see section below.

Message Interpretation

The request message is not complex in nature, but quite lengthy due to the genericity of the HL7 V3 standard.

The SOAP Header element shall convey the following information:

  • To element: The URL of the provide an register document set service.
  • MessageID element: a UUID of the message.
  • Action element: The SOAP action identifier of the request as defined in the IHE ITI Technical Framework.

Optional elements may be included according to the specification in the W3C SOAP specification.

2  <env:Header>
3   <wsa:To xmlns:wsa="">
5   </wsa:To>
6   <wsa:MessageID xmlns:wsa="">urn:uuid:c12e1f14-c2c9-4a94-ba27-6411e8c90b75</wsa:MessageID>
7   <wsa:ReplyTo xmlns:wsa="">
8    <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>
9   </wsa:ReplyTo>
10   <wsa:Action xmlns:wsa="" env:mustUnderstand="1">urn:hl7-org:v3:PRPA_IN201309UV02</wsa:Action>
11  </env:Header>

For the PIX query no Security header element is required, since in the Swiss EPR the access to the patient data is authorized for all applications, which are registered in the community and authenticate with a client certificate (see section Security Requirements).

The SOAP Body element conveys the administrative information required for a HL7 V3 PRPA_IN201310UV02 message in HL7 V3 syntax.

Primary systems shall set the following values:

  • creationTime: A timestamp in unix time format.
  • sender : The OID of the sender application initiating the request.
  • receiver: The OID of the receiver application which shall respond to the request.
12  <env:Body>
13   <PRPA_IN201309UV02 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="" ITSVersion="XML_1.0">
14    <id root=""/>
15    <creationTime value="20200921170501.122"/>
16    <interactionId extension="PRPA_IN201309UV02" root="2.16.840.1.113883.1.6"/>
17    <processingCode code="P"/>
18    <processingModeCode code="T"/>
19    <acceptAckCode code="AL"/>
20    <receiver typeCode="RCV">
21     <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
22      <id root=""/>
23     </device>
24    </receiver>
25    <sender typeCode="SND">
26     <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
27      <id root=""/>
28     </device>
29    </sender>  

The query parameter are encoded in a HL7 V3 controlActProcess element of the message. Primary systems shall set the following query attributes:

  • authorOrPerformer: The OID of the primary system in the id element.
30    <controlActProcess classCode="CACT" moodCode="EVN">
31     <code code="PRPA_TE201309UV02" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.1.6"/>
32     <authorOrPerformer typeCode="AUT">
33      <assignedPerson classCode="ASSIGNED">
34       <id extension="client application" root=""/>
35      </assignedPerson>
36     </authorOrPerformer>

The query parameter are conveyed in the queryByParameter child element:

  • queryId: A unique ID of the query.
  • dataSource: The OID of the assigning authority of the community, or the OID of the assigning authority of the EPR-SPID.
  • patientIdentifier: The ID of the patient data in the primary system, with the OID of the primary system in the root element and the local ID in the extension element.
37     <queryByParameter>
38      <queryId root="4ecd362e-8d17-4abe-b991-3793bc2e1399"/>
39      <statusCode code="new"/>
40      <responsePriorityCode code="I"/>
41      <parameterList>
42       <dataSource>
43        <value root=""/>
44        <semanticsText></semanticsText>
45       </dataSource>
46       <patientIdentifier>
47        <value extension="CHFACILITY9810" root=""/>
48        <semanticsText>Patient.Id</semanticsText>
49       </patientIdentifier>
50      </parameterList>
51     </queryByParameter>
52    </controlActProcess>

TODO: Adapt to the update of the ordinances planned for April 2021.

Response Message

The PIX V3 Feed service responds with the master patient ID (XAD-PID) and the EPR-SPID, the patient is registered with in the community.

The request message is not very complex, but quite lengthy due to the genericity of the HL7 V3 standard. A raw version of a response message may be found here.

Message Interpretation

The SOAP Header element shall conveys the following information:

  • Action element: The SOAP action identifier of the request as defined in the IHE ITI Technical Framework.
  • RelatesTo element: A copy of the unique ID of the query request.
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="">
 <wsa:Action xmlns:mustUnderstand="" mustUnderstand:mustUnderstand="1">urn:hl7-org:v3:PRPA_IN201310UV02</wsa:Action>

The SOAP Body element conveys the administrative information required for a PRPA_IN201310UV02 message in HL7 V3 syntax and the query result encoded in the controlActProcess element.

The controlActProcess element conveys the following information for the primary system in the subject child element:

The patient child element conveys the master patient ID (XAD-SPID) and the EPR-SPID as follows:

  • id : The master patient ID (XAD-SPID), with the community OID as the assigning authority in the root and the ID in the extension attribute (line 39 in the example below).
  • asOtherIDs: The EPR-SPID, with the ZAS OID as assigning authority in the root and the ID in the extension attribute (line 44 in the example below).

TODO: adapt to the update of the ordinances planned to April 2021.

38        <ns1:patient classCode="PAT">
39         <ns1:id xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:II" root="" extension="799b00ee-2f2a-4444-8f93-c91730578af4" assigningAuthorityName="XDS Affinity Domain"/>
40         <ns1:statusCode code="active"/>
41         <ns1:patientPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
42          <ns1:name xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:PN" nullFlavor="NA"/>
43          <ns1:asOtherIDs classCode="ROL">
44           <ns1:id xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:II" root="2.16.756." extension="761337610435209810" assigningAuthorityName="SPID"/>
45           <ns1:scopingOrganization classCode="ORG" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
46            <ns1:id xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:II" root="2.16.756."/>
47           </ns1:scopingOrganization>
48          </ns1:asOtherIDs>
49         </ns1:patientPerson>
50        </ns1:patient>

The custodian child element conveys information on the responding system as follows:

52       <ns1:custodian typeCode="CST">
53        <ns1:assignedEntity classCode="ASSIGNED">
54         <ns1:id xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:II" root="" extension="xxx"/>
55         <ns1:id xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:II" root="" extension="xxx"/>
56         <ns1:assignedOrganization classCode="ORG" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
57          <ns1:name xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:EN">
58           <ns1:given>org</ns1:given>
59          </ns1:name>
60         </ns1:assignedOrganization>
61        </ns1:assignedEntity>
62       </ns1:custodian>

Transport Protocol

The primary system shall send the request messages to the registry of the community using the http POST binding as defined in the W3C SOAP specification. It may look like:

POST /PIXV3QueryService HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: nnnn    

Audit Log

Primary systems shall store syslog messages to the audit record repository of the community using TLS transport protocol. The audit message uses XML formatting as specified in RFC 3881 with restrictions specified in the IHE ITI TF and the Extension 1 to Annex5 in the ordinances of the Swiss electronic patient record (see Section 1.5 "Requirements on ATNA").

The following snippet shows a example audit message to be written by the primary system:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <EventIdentification EventActionCode="E" EventDateTime="2020-11-17T18:40:41+01:00" EventOutcomeIndicator="0">
  <EventID csd-code="110112" originalText="Query" codeSystemName="DCM"/>
  <EventTypeCode csd-code="ITI-45" originalText="PIX Query" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions"/>
 <ActiveParticipant UserID="source_id" AlternativeUserID="3345" UserIsRequestor="true" NetworkAccessPointID="" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="2">
  <RoleIDCode csd-code="110153" originalText="Source" codeSystemName="DCM"/>
 <ActiveParticipant UserID="[email protected]">
  <RoleIDCode csd-code="HCP" originalText="Heathcare Professional" codeSystemName=""/>
 <ActiveParticipant UserID="" AlternativeUserID="207" UserIsRequestor="false" NetworkAccessPointID="" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="2">
  <RoleIDCode csd-code="110152" originalText="Destination" codeSystemName="DCM"/>
 <AuditSourceIdentification code="1" AuditSourceID="connectathon"/>
 <ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="752343^^^&amp;2.16.840.1.113883.;ISO" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="1" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="1" ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle="6">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="2" originalText="Patient Number" codeSystemName="RFC-3881"/>
 <ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectTypeCode="2" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="24">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="ITI-45" originalText="PIX Query" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions"/>
  <ParticipantObjectQuery>PHF1...!--omitted for brevity-- ...ADS=</ParticipantObjectQuery>

The message is made of the following blocks:

  • EventIdentification: Element with event related information including the timestamp.
  • ActiveParticipant: Element of information related to the primary system performing the query.
  • ActiveParticipant: Element with information on the authenticated user initiating the request.
  • ActiveParticipant: Element with information on the responding service endpoint.
  • ParticipantObjectIdentification: Element with request message related information including a UUencoded copy of the query.

Security Requirements

To ensure privacy the transction must be secured using https with mutual authentication, with X.509 certificates (extended validation required) and client and server side certifcate validation.


  • Some test environments dropped the mutual authentication or TLS for testing purposes. Please contact your test system provider on the details.

Test Opportunity