To present Airbnb data collection as a shiny application.
- a map showing regions of a city depending on price, distance to the city center etc.
- wordcloud for apartment descriptions, reviews etc.
- basic statistic for a city or specific regions of a city
Input is a table in .csv format.
- id - just id
- listing_url
- scrape_id
- last_scraped
- name
- summary
- space
- description - apartment description (for wordcloud plot)
- experiences_offered
- neighborhood_overview - description of a district
- notes
- transit
- access
- interaction
- house_rules
- thumbnail_url
- medium_url
- picture_url
- xl_picture_url
- host_id
- host_url
- host_name
- host_since
- host_location
- host_about
- host_response_time
- host_response_rate
- host_acceptance_rate
- host_is_superhost
- host_thumbnail_url
- host_picture_url
- host_neighbourhood
- host_listings_count
- host_total_listings_count
- host_verifications
- host_has_profile_pic
- host_identity_verified
- street
- neighbourhood - district name
- neighbourhood_cleansed
- neighbourhood_group_cleansed
- city
- state
- zipcode
- market
- smart_location
- country_code
- country
- latitude - apartment position on map - ggmap()
- longitude - apartment position on map - ggmap()
- is_location_exact
- property_type
- room_type
- accommodates
- bathrooms
- bedrooms
- beds
- bed_type
- amenities - amenities included in the apartment (for wordcloud plot)
- square_feet
- price
- weekly_price
- monthly_price
- security_deposit
- cleaning_fee
- guests_included
- extra_people
- minimum_nights
- maximum_nights
- minimum_minimum_nights
- maximum_minimum_nights
- minimum_maximum_nights
- maximum_maximum_nights
- minimum_nights_avg_ntm
- maximum_nights_avg_ntm
- calendar_updated
- has_availability
- availability_30
- availability_60
- availability_90
- availability_365
- calendar_last_scraped
- number_of_reviews
- number_of_reviews_ltm
- first_review
- last_review
- review_scores_rating
- review_scores_accuracy
- review_scores_cleanliness
- review_scores_checkin
- review_scores_communication
- review_scores_location
- review_scores_value
- requires_license
- license
- jurisdiction_names
- instant_bookable
- is_business_travel_ready
- cancellation_policy
- require_guest_profile_picture
- require_guest_phone_verification
- calculated_host_listings_count
- calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes
- calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms
- calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms
- reviews_per_month