This page provides more details on the latest updates to abcf
- rename package to abcf, to make clear its forked lineage from
- incorporate unit random effects into estimation
- modularize some of the underlying C++ code
This implementation extends existing bcf
functionality by:
- allowing for heteroskedastic errors
- automating multi-chain, multi-core implementations
- providing a suite of convergence diagnostic functions via the
package - accelerating some underlying computations, resulting in shorter runtimes
- providing a function to predict treatment effects based on an existing model using new data
The original version of bcf
does not allow for weights, which are often used in practical applications to account for heteroskedasticity. Where the original BCF model was specified as:
yi ∼ N(μ(xi) + τ(xi) zi, σ2),
which assumes that all outcomes yi have the same variance σ2, in the extended version we can relax this assumption to allow for heteroskedasticity in yi:
yi ∼ N(μ(xi) + τ(xi) zi, σ2/wi)
Incorporating weights impacts several parts of the code, including the computation of:
- sufficient statistics
- leaf node means
- leaf node means variance
- error variance (sigma)
In Bayesian analysis, it is useful to produce different runs of the same model -- with different starting values -- as a way of assessing convergence. If the different runs produce drastically different posterior distributions, it is a sign that the model has not converged fully. In this version of bcf
we have automated multichain processing and incorporated key MCMC diagnostics from the coda
package, including effective sample sizes and the Gelman-Rubin statistic ("R hat"). In addition, all runs happen in parallel, on different cores, to provide all these extra benefits without increasing runtime much.
Finally, our implementation conducts some steps of the sampling procedure in parallel to maximize computational efficiency. Our testing shows that these enhancements have reduced runtimes by around 50%, across various experimental conditions.
In this version of the package, we have incorporated code from Jared Murray (one of the original package authors) to predict the treatment effect for a new set of units. Once users have produced a satisfactory bcf
run (using training data), they can use this fitted bcf
object to predict on a new set of test data. This is possible even with runs that have multiple chains.