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File metadata and controls

1738 lines (1241 loc) · 51.1 KB


Recipes are a container implementation independent way to specify the steps to construct a container image. For example, the same recipe may be used as the basis for both Docker and Singularity containers.

A recipe is structured Python code, which is described below.

The following is simple example that illustrate the basic ideas. Based on the Dockerhub CUDA image, it installs some basic OS packages, the PGI compiler, and OpenMPI. This single recipe can be converted into a Dockerfile or a Singularity recipe file simply by specifying the --format command line option.

# OpenMPI 3.0.0, with InfiniBand and CUDA enabled, using the latest
# PGI community edition compiler (18.4)

ospackages = ['make', 'wget']
Stage0 += apt_get(ospackages=ospackages)

p = pgi(eula=True, version='18.4')
Stage0 += p

# Use the PGI toolchain to build OpenMPI                                
Stage0 += openmpi(toolchain=p.toolchain, version='3.0.0')

Please see the recipes sub-directory for additional working examples.

Quick Start

If you are already familiar with writing Dockerfiles or Singularity recipe files, this section will answer the question "How do I express X in a recipe?"

Please see the Reference section below for a complete description of the recipe syntax.

Note that for several common operations, such as GNU Autotools configure / make workflows, and common core HPC components, such as FFTW, OFED, OpenMPI, etc., using the provided templates and [building blocks](#Building Blocks) are strongly recommended over directly translating an existing Dockerfile or Singularity recipe file using primitives.


Docker Recipe
FROM image:tag baseimage(image='image:tag')
FROM image:tag AS build baseimage(image='image:tag', AS='build')
COPY foo bar copy(src='foo', dest='bar')
COPY a b c z/ copy(src=['a', 'b', 'c'], dest='z/')
RUN a shell(commands=['a'])
RUN a && b && c shell(commands=['a', 'b', 'c'])
RUN apt-get install a b c apt_get(ospackages=['a', 'b', 'c'])
ENV FOO=BAR environment(variables={'FOO': 'BAR'})
ENV A=B C=D environment(variables={'A': 'B', 'C': 'D'})
WORKDIR /path/to workdir(directory='/path/to')
LABEL FOO=BAR label(metadata={'FOO': 'BAR'})

As a last resort, use the raw primitive to express a Dockerfile concept with no direct recipe equivalent.

raw(docker='MAINTAINER jane@doe')


Singularity Recipe
BootStrap: docker
From: image:tag
foo bar
copy(src='foo', dest='bar')
shell(commands=['a', 'b', 'c'])
apt-get install a b c
apt_get(ospackages=['a', 'b', 'c'])
export FOO=BAR
environment(variables={'FOO': 'BAR'})
mkdir -p /path/to
cd /path/to
foo bar
label(metadata={'foo': 'bar'})

As a last resort, use the raw primitive to express a Singularity recipe file concept with no direct recipe equivalent.

raw(singularity='%labels\n   Maintainer jane@doe')



A recipe consists of one or more stages. A basic recipe will contain a single stage. Stages are the same concept as Docker multistage builds.

A stage consists of one or more operations. A basic recipe will contain several operations.

The aliases Stage0 and Stage1 are automatically created by Container Maker. Initially, both stages are empty. Within a stage, operations are evaluated in the same order they are added.


The following recipe example would construct a container specification file with operation A followed by operation B.

Stage0 += A
Stage0 += B

The following recipe example illustrates 2 stages. The container specification file would contain, in order, contain operations A, B, Y, and Z.

Stage0 += A
Stage1 += Y
Stage1 += Z
Stage0 += B



The baseimage method may be used to set the base image for the Stage.

This method is essentially equivalent to the baseimage building block, but this method guarantees that the base image instruction will be the first instruction in the stage.

For example, the following Dockerfile and Singularity recipe files would be generated from this recipe.

Recipe Docker Singularity
Stage0.baseimage('image:tag') FROM image:tag Bootstrap: docker
From: image:tag


The name property may be used to assign a name to the Stage. If set, the name is used when generating Dockerfiles as the name of the stage. The name is ignored when generating Singularity recipe files.

For example, the following Dockerfile would be generated from this recipe.

Recipe Docker Singularity = 'devel'
FROM image:tag AS devel Bootstrap: docker
From: image:tag

The name may be referenced in subsequent stages to copy files, etc. = '...'
Stage1 += copy(, src='...', dest='...')

User arguments

Users may specify one or more parameters via the --userarg command line option, e.g., --userarg a=b c=d.

The user arguments are passed to the recipe in the form a USERARG dictionary. A recipe may behave conditionally based on the value of a user argument.


a = USERARG.get('a', 'default')
if a == 'b':

Building Blocks

Building blocks are high level abstractions of the multiple steps needed to containerize a component.

Where available, building blocks should always be used rather than recreating the equivalent steps with lower level concepts.

Building blocks are automatically included in the recipe namespace.


The apt_get building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. This building block should only be used on images that use the Debian package manager (e.g., Ubuntu).

In most cases, the packages building block should be used instead of apt_get.


  • keys: A list of GPG keys to add. The default is an empty list.

  • ospackages: A list of packages to install. The default is an empty list.

  • ppas: A list of personal package archives to add. The default is an empty list.

  • 'repositories`: A list of apt repositories to add. The default is an empty list.


apt_get(ospackages=['make', 'wget'])


The boost building block downloads and installs the Boost component.

As a side effect, this building block modifies LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the Boost build.


  • bootstrap_opts: List of options to pass to The default is an empty list.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are bzip2, tar, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level installation locaation. The default value is /usr/local/boost.

  • version: The version of Boost source to download. The default value is 1.67.0.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


boost(prefix='/opt/boost/1.67.0', version='1.67.0')
boost = boost()
Stage0 += boost
Stage1 += boost.runtime()


The cgns building block downloads and installs the CGNS component.

The HDF5 building block should be installed prior to this building block.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the test cases should be run. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default value is --with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5 and --with-zlib.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/cgns.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are file, make, wget, and zlib1g-dev. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are bzip2, file, make, wget and zlib-devel.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of CGNS source to download. The default value is 3.3.1.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


cgns(prefix='/opt/cgns/3.3.1', version='3.3.1')


The charm building block downloads and install the Charm++ component.

As a side effect, this building block modifies LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH to include the Charm++ build. It also sets the CHARMBASE environment variable to the top level install directory.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the test cases should be run. The default is False.

  • options: List of additional options to use when building Charm++. The default values are --build-shared, and --with-production.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are git, make, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is /usr/local.

  • target: The target Charm++ framework to build. The default value is charm++.

  • target_architecture: The target machine architecture to build. The default value is multicore-linux-x86_64.

  • version: The version of Charm++ to download. The default value is 6.8.2.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


charm(prefix='/opt', version='6.8.2')


The cmake building block downloads and installs the CMake component.


  • eula: By setting this value to True, you agree to the CMake End-User License Agreement. The default value is False.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing. The default value is wget.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local.

  • version: The version of CMake to download. The default value is 3.11.1.


cmake(eula=True, version='3.10.3')


The fftw building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the FFTW component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context.

As a side effect, this building block modifies LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the FFTW build.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default values are --enable-shared, --enable-openmp, --enable-threads, and --enable-sse2.

  • directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are file, make, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/fftw.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of FFTW source to download. This value is ignored if directory is set. The default value is 3.3.7.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


fftw(prefix='/opt/fftw/3.3.7', version='3.3.7')
p = pgi(eula=True)
fftw(check=True, configure_opts=['--enable-shared', '--enable-threads',
                                 '--enable-sse2', '--enable-avx'])
f = fftw()
Stage0 += f
Stage1 += f.runtime()


The gnu building block installs the GNU compilers from the upstream Linux distribution.

As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the GNU compilers. The toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the GNU compilers.

g = gnu()

operation(..., toolchain=g.toolchain, ...)


  • cc: Boolean flag to specify whether to install gcc. The default is True.

  • cxx: Boolean flag to specify whether to install g++. The default is True.

  • extra_repository: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable an extra package repository containing addition GNU compiler packages. For Ubuntu, setting this flag to True enables the ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, setting this flag to True enables the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False.

  • fortran: Boolean flag to specify whether to install gfortran. The default is True.

  • version: The version of the GNU compilers to install. Note that the version refers to the Linux distribution packaging, not the actual compiler version. For Ubuntu, the version is appended to the default package name, e.g., gcc-7. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the version is inserted into the SCL Developer Toolset package name, e.g., devtoolset-7-gcc. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, specifying the version automatically sets extra_repository to True. The default is an empty value.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


g = gnu()
Stage0 += g
Stage1 += g.runtime()
gnu(extra_repository=True, version='7')


The hdf5 building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the HDF5 component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the HDF5 build, and sets HDF5_DIR.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default values are --enable-cxx and --enable-fortran.

  • directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are file, make, wget, and zlib1g-dev. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are bzip2, file, make, wget and zlib-devel.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/hdf5.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of HDF5 source to download. This value is ignored if directory is set. The default value is 1.10.1.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


hdf5(prefix='/opt/hdf5/1.10.1', version='1.10.1')
p = pgi(eula=True)
hdf5(check=True, configure_opts=['--enable-cxx', '--enable-fortran',
h = hdf5()
Stage0 += h
Stage1 += h.runtime()


The intel_mpi building block downloads and installs the Intel MPI Library.

You must agree to the Intel End User License Agreement to use this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and other environment variables to include Intel MPI. Please see the mpivars parameter for more information.


  • eula: By setting this value to True, you agree to the Intel End User License Agreement. The default value is False.

  • mpivars: Intel MPI provides an environment script ( to setup the Intel MPI environment. If this value is True, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the Intel MPI environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the Intel MPI environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/bin64/ intel64 in each build step. If this value is to set False, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by The default value is True.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Intel MPI. For Ubuntu, the default values are apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default is an empty list.

  • version: The version of Intel MPI to install. The default value is 2018.3-051.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


intel_mpi(eula=True, version='2018.3-051')
impi = intel_mpi(eula=True)
Stage0 += impi
Stage1 += impi.runtime()


The intel_psxe building block installs Intel Parallel Studio XE.

You must agree to the Intel End User License Agreement to use this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


  • components: List of Intel Parallel Studio XE components to install. The default values are intel-icc__x86_64 and intel-ifort__x86_64, i.e., install the Intel C++ and Fortran compilers only. Please note that the values are not consistent between versions; for a list of components, extract pset/mediaconfig.xml from the tarball and grep for Abbr. The default values correspond to Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018.

  • eula: By setting this value to True, you agree to the Intel End User License Agreement. The default value is False.

  • license: The license to use to activate Intel Parallel Studio XE. If the string contains a @ the license is interpreted as a network license, e.g., 12345@lic-server. Otherwise, the string is interpreted as the path to the license file relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. While this value is not required, the installation is unlikely to be successful without a valid license.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Intel Parallel Studio XE. The default value is cpio.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /opt/intel.

  • tarball: Path to the Intel Parallel Studio XE tarball relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. This parameter is required.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


intel_psxe(eula=True, license='XXXXXXXX.lic', tarball='parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1_professional_edition.tgz')
psxe = intel_psxe(eula=True, ...)
Stage0 += psxe
Stage1 += psxe.runtime()


The mkl building block downloads and installs the Intel Math Kernel Library.

You must agree to the Intel End User License Agreement to use this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and other environment variables to include MKL. Please see the mklvars parameter for more information.


  • eula: By setting this value to True, you agree to the Intel End User License Agreement. The default value is False.

  • mklvars: MKL provides an environment script ( to setup the MKL environment. If this value is True, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the MKL environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the MKL environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64 in each build step. If this value is to set False, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by The default value is True.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing MKL. For Ubuntu, the default values are apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default is an empty list.

  • version: The version of MKL to install. The default value is 2018.3-051.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


mkl(eula=True, version='2018.3-051')
m = mkl(eula=True)
Stage0 += m
Stage1 += m.runtime()


The mlnx_ofed building block downloads and installs the Mellanox OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution for Linux.


  • oslabel: The Linux distribution label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. For Ubuntu, the default value is ubuntu16.04. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default value is rhel7.2.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing OFED. For Ubuntu, the default values are libnl-3-200, libnl-route-3-200, libnuma1, and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are libnl, libnl3, numactl-libs, and wget.

  • packages: List of packages to install from Mellanox OFED. For Ubuntu, the default values are libibverbs1, libibverbs-dev, libibmad, libibmad-devel, libibumad, libibumad-devel, libmlx4-1, libmlx5-1, and ibverbs-utils. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are libibverbs, libibverbs-devel, libibverbs-utils, libibmad, libibmad-devel, libibumad, libibumad-devel, libmlx4, and libmlx5.

  • version: The version of Mellanox OFED to download. The default value is 3.4-


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


mofed = mlnx_ofed()
Stage0 += mofed
Stage1 += mofed.runtime()


The mvapich2 building block configures, builds, and installs the MVAPICH2 component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context.

An InfiniBand building block (OFED or Mellanox OFED) should be installed prior to this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the MVAPICH2 build.

As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers.

mv2 = mvapich2()

operation(..., toolchain=mv2.toolchain, ...)


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default values are --disable-mcast.

  • cuda: Boolean flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds --enable-cuda --with-cuda to the list of configure options, otherwise adds --disable-cuda. If the toolchain specifies CUDA_HOME, then that path is used, otherwise /usr/local/cuda is used for the path. The default value is True.

  • directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web.

  • gpu_arch: The GPU architecture to use. Older versions of MVAPICH2 (2.3b and previous) were hard-coded to use "sm_20". This option has no effect on more recent MVAPICH2 versions. The default value is to use the MVAPICH2 default.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are byacc, file, openssh-client, and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are byacc, file, make, openssh-clients, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/mvapich2.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of MVAPICH2 source to download. This value is ignored if directory is set. The default value is 2.3b.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


mvapich2(cuda=False, prefix='/opt/mvapich2/2.3a', version='2.3a')
p = pgi()
mvapich2(configure_opts=['--disable-fortran', '--disable-mcast'])
mv2 = mvapich2()
Stage0 += mv2
Stage1 += mv2.runtime()


The mvapich2_gdr building blocks installs the MVAPICH2-GDR component. Depending on the parameters, the package will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from the local build context.

MVAPICH2-GDR is distributed as a binary package, so certain dependencies need to be met and only certain combinations of recipe components are supported; please refer to the MVAPICH2-GDR documentation for more information.

The GNU compiler building block should be installed prior to this building block.

The Mellanox OFED building block should be installed prior to this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the MVAPICH2-GDR build.

As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers.

mv2 = mvapich2_gdr()

operation(..., toolchain=mv2.toolchain, ...)


  • cuda_version: The version of CUDA the MVAPICH2-GDR package was built against. The version string format is X.Y. The version should match the version of CUDA provided by the base image. This value is ignored if package is set. The default value is 9.0.

  • mlnx_ofed_version: The version of Mellanox OFED the MVAPICH2-GDR package was built against. The version string format is X.Y. The version should match the version of Mellanox OFED installed by the mlnx_ofed building block. This value is ignored if package is set. The default value is 3.4.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installation. For Ubuntu, the default values are openssh-client and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are openssh-clients, perl and wget.

  • package: Path to the package file relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the package in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the package from the web. The package should correspond to the other recipe components (e.g., compiler version, CUDA version, Mellanox OFED version).

  • version: The version of MVAPICH2-GDR to download. The value is ignored if package is set. The default value is 2.3a.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


mv2 = mvapich2_gdr()
Stage0 += mv2
Stage1 += mv2.runtime()


The netcdf building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the NetCDF component.

The HDF5 building block should be installed prior to this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the NetCDF build.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default value is an empty list.

  • cxx: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF C++ library should be installed. The default is True.

  • fortran: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF Fortran library should be installed. The default is True.

  • hdf5_dir: Path to the location where HDF5 is installed in the container image. The default value is /usr/local/hdf5.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are ca-certificates, file, libcurl4-openssl-dev, m4, make, wget, and zlib1g-dev. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are ca-certificates, file, libcurl-devel m4, make, wget, and zlib-devel.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default location is /usr/local/netcdf.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of NetCDF to download. The default value is 4.6.1.

  • version_cxx: The version of NetCDF C++ to download. The default value is 4.3.0.

  • version_fortran: The version of NetCDF Fortran to download. The default value is 4.4.4.


netcdf(prefix='/opt/netcdf/4.6.1', version='4.6.1')
p = pgi(eula=True)


The ofed building block installs the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution packages that are part of the Linux distribution.

For Ubuntu, the following packages are installed: dapl2-utils, ibutils, ibverbs-utils, infiniband-diags, libdapl-dev, libibcm-dev, libibmad5, libibmad-dev, libibverbs1, libibverbs-dev, libmlx4-1, libmlx4-dev, libmlx5-1, libmlx5-dev, librdmacm1, librdmacm-dev, opensm, and rdmacm-utils.

For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the following packages are installed: dapl, dapl-devel, ibutils, libibcm, libibmad, libibmad-devel, libmlx5, libibumad, libibverbs, libibverbs-utils, librdmacm, opensm, rdma-core, and rdma-core-devel.




  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


o = ofed()
Stage0 += o
Stage1 += o.runtime()


The openblas building block builds and installs the OpenBLAS component.

As a side effect, this building block modifies LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the OpenBLAS build.


  • make_opts: List of options to pass to make. The default value is USE_OPENMP=1.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are make, tar, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is /usr/local/openblas.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of OpenBLAS source to download. The default value is 0.3.1.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


openblas(prefix='/opt/openblas/0.3.1', version='0.3.1')
p = pgi(eula=True)
openblas = openblas()
Stage0 += openblas
Stage1 += openblas.runtime()


The openmpi building block configures, builds, and installs the OpenMPI component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the OpenMPI build.

As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers.

ompi = openmpi()

operation(..., toolchain=ompi.toolchain, ...)


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default values are --disable-getpwuid and --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default.

  • cuda: Boolean flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds --with-cuda to the list of configure options, otherwise adds --without-cuda. If the toolchain specifies CUDA_HOME, then that path is used. The default value is True.

  • directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web.

  • infiniband: Boolean flag to control whether InfiniBand capabilities are included. If True, adds --with-verbs to the list of configure options, otherwise adds --without-verbs. The default value is True.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are bzip2, file, hwloc, libnuma-dev, make, openssh-client, perl, tar, and wget. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are bzip2, file, hwloc, make, numactl-devl, openssh-clients, perl, tar, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/openmpi.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty.

  • version: The version of OpenMPI source to download. This value is ignored if directory is set. The default value is 3.0.0.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


openmpi(cuda=False, infiniband=False, prefix='/opt/openmpi/2.1.2',
p = pgi(eula=True)
openmpi(configure_opts=['--disable-getpwuid', '--with-slurm'],
ompi = openmpi()
Stage0 += ompi
Stage1 += ompi.runtime()


The packages building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. Based on the Linux distribution, the building block invokes either apt-get (Ubuntu) or yum (RHEL-based).

This building block is preferred over directly using the apt_get or yum building blocks.


  • apt: A list of Debian packages to install. The default is an empty list.

  • apt_keys: A list of GPG keys to add. The default is an empty list.

  • apt_ppas: A list of personal package archives to add. The default is an empty list.

  • apt_repositories: A list of apt repositories to add. The default is an empty list.

  • _epel: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. The default is False. This parameter is ignored if the Linux distribution is not RHEL-based.

  • ospackages: A list of packages to install. The list is used for both Ubuntu and RHEL-based Linux distributions, therefore only packages with the consistent names across Linux distributions should be specified. This parameter is ignored if apt or yum is specified. The default value is an empty list.

  • _scl: - Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False. This parameter is ignored if the Linux distribution is not RHEL-based.

  • yum: A list of RPM packages to install. The default value is an empty list.

  • yum_keys: A list of GPG keys to import. The default is an empty list.

  • yum_repositories: A list of yum repositories to add. The default is an empty list.


packages(ospackages=['make', 'wget'])
packages(apt=['zlib1g-dev'], yum=['zlib-devel'])
packages(apt=['python3'], yum=['python34'], _epel=True)


The pgi building block downloads and installs the PGI compiler. Currently, the only option is to install the latest community edition.

You must agree to the PGI End-User License Agreement to use this building block.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the PGI compiler.

As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the PGI compilers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the PGI compilers.

p = pgi(eula=True)

operation(..., toolchain=p.toolchain, ...)


  • eula: By setting this value to True, you agree to the PGI End-User License Agreement. The default value is False.

  • extended_environment: Boolean flag to specify whether an extended set of environment variables should be defined. If True, the following environment variables will be defined: CC, CPP, CXX, F77, F90, FC, and MODULEPATH. In addition, if the PGI MPI component is selected then PGI_OPTL_INCLUDE_DIRS and PGI_OPTL_LIB_DIRS will also be defined and PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH will include the PGI MPI component. If False, then only PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be extended to include the PGI compiler. The default value is False.

  • mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether the MPI component should be installed. If True, MPI will be installed. The default value is False.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing the PGI compiler. For Ubuntu, the default values are libnuma1 and perl, and also wget (if downloading the PGI compiler rather than using a tarball in the local build context). For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are numactl-libs and perl, and also wget (if downloading the PGI compiler rather than using a tarball in the local build context).

  • prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is /opt/pgi.

  • system_cuda: Boolean flag to specify whether the PGI compiler should use the system CUDA. If False, the version(s) of CUDA bundled with the PGI compiler will be installed. The default value is False.

  • tarball: Path to the PGI compiler tarball relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the tarball in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the tarball from the web.

  • version: The version of the PGI compiler to use. Note this value is currently only used when setting the environment and does not control the version of the compiler downloaded. The default value is 18.4.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


pgi(eula=True, version='18.4')
p = pgi(eula=True)
Stage0 += p
Stage1 += p.runtime()
pgi(eula=True, tarball='pgilinux-2017-1710-x86_64.tar.gz')


The pnetcdf building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the PnetCDF component.

As a side effect, this building block modifies PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the PnetCDF build.


  • check: Boolean flag to specify whether the make check step should be performed. The default is False.

  • configure_opts: List of options to pass to configure. The default values are --enable-shared.

  • ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are m4, make, tar, and wget.

  • prefix: The top level install location. The default value is /usr/local/pnetcdf.

  • toolchain: The toolchain object. A MPI compiler toolchain must be used. The default is to use the standard MPI compiler wrappers, e.g., CC=mpicc, CXX=mpicxx, etc.

  • version: The version of PnetCDF source to download. The default value is 1.10.0.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


pnetcdf(prefix='/opt/pnetcdf/1.10.0', version='1.10.0')
ompi = openmpi(...)
p = pnetcdf()
Stage0 += p
Stage1 += p.runtime()


The python building block installs Python from the upstream Linux distribution.


  • python2: Boolean flag to specify whether to install Python version 2. The default is True.

  • python3: Boolean flag to specify whether to install Python version 3. The default is True.


  • runtime(_from='...'): Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage.


p = python()
Stage0 += p
Stage1 += p.runtime()


The yum building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. This building block should only be used on images that use the Red Hat package manager (e.g., CentOS).

In most cases, the packages building block should be used instead of yum.


  • epel: - Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. The default is False.

  • keys: A list of GPG keys to import. The default is an empty list.

  • ospackages: A list of packages to install. The default is an empty list.

  • repositories: A list of yum repositories to add. The default is an empty list.

  • scl: - Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False.


yum(ospackages=['make', 'wget'])


Templates are abstractions of common operations, such as downloading files, configuring and making source packages distributed with autotools, working with archives, and controlling the toolchain.

Templates are not automatically included in the recipe namespace. The hpccm prefix must be used when referring to a template in a recipe.

  • ConfigureMake: Configure and make packages from source

  • git: Clone git repositories

  • sed: Modify files

  • tar: Work with tarball files

  • toolchain: Development toolchain environment

  • wget: Download files


Primitives are the low level implementation of specific container instructions. Generally, primitives map directly to a Docker or Singularity concept, but express the concept in a container implementation neutral way. Since primitives map to multiple container implementations, they sometimes reflect a 'lowest common denominator' set of capabilities.


The baseimage primitive defines the base image to be used.


  • _as: Name for the build stage (Docker specific). The default value is empty.

  • _distro': The underlying Linux distribution of the base image. Valid values are centos, redhat, rhel, and ubuntu. By default, the primitive attempts to figure out the Linux distribution by inspecting the image identifier, and falls back to ubuntu` if unable to determine the Linux distribution automatically.

  • image: The image identifier to use as the base image. The default value is nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04

  • AS: Name for the build stage (Docker specific). The default value is empty. This parameter is deprecated; use _as instead.




The blob primitive inserts a file, without modification, into the corresponding place in the container specification file. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to current directory.

Generally, the blob should be functionally equivalent for each container format.

Wherever possible, the blob primitive should be avoided and other, more portable, operations should be used instead.


  • docker: Path to the file containing the Dockerfile blob (Docker specific).

  • singularity: Path to the file containing the Singularity blob (Singularity specific).


blob(docker='path/to/foo.docker', singularity='path/to/foo.singularity')


The comment primitive inserts a comment into the corresponding place in the container specification file.


  • reformat: Boolean flag to specify whether the comment string should be wrapped to fit into lines not exceeding 80 characters. The default is True.


comment('libfoo version X.Y')


The copy primitive copies files, typically from the host to the container image.


  • dest: Path in the container image to copy the file(s)

  • src: A file, or a list of files, to copy

  • _from: Set the source location to a previous build stage rather than the host filesystem (Docker specific).


copy(src='component', dest='/opt/component')
copy(src=['a', 'b', 'c'], dest='/tmp')


The environment primitive sets the corresponding environment variables. Note, for Singularity, this primitive may set environment variables for the container runtime but not for the container build process (see this rationale). See the _export parameter for more information.


  • _export: A Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should also be set for the Singularity build context (Singularity specific). Variables defined in the Singularity %environment section are only defined when the container is run and not for subsequent build steps (unlike the analogous Docker ENV instruction). If this flag is true, then in addition to the %environment section, a identical %post section is generated to export the variables for subsequent build steps. The default value is True.

  • variables: A dictionary of key / value pairs. The default is an empty dictionary.


environment(variables={'PATH': '/usr/local/bin:$PATH'})


The label primitive sets container metadata.


  • metadata: A dictionary of key / value pairs. The default is an empty dictionary.


label(metadata={'maintainer': 'jane@doe'})


The raw primitive inserts the specified string, without modification, into the corresponding place in the container specification file.

Generally, the string should be functionally equivalent for each container format.

Wherever possible, the raw primitive should be avoided and other, more portable, primitives should be used instead.


  • docker: String containing the Dockerfile instruction (Docker specific).

  • singularity: String containing the Singularity instruction (Singularity specific).


raw(docker='COPY --from=0 /usr/local/openmpi /usr/local/openmpi',
    singularity='# no equivalent to --from')


The shell primitive specifies a series of shell commands to execute.


  • commands: A list of commands to execute. The default is an empty list.


shell(commands=['cd /path/to/src', './configure', 'make install'])


The workdir primitive sets the working directory for any subsequent operations. As a side effect, if the directory does not exist, it is created.


  • directory: The directory path.

