Additional feature that let to search mentions with spaces among words. It also add the capacility to stop the search when zero results are found, therefore prevent to search something that won't match.
mentions: [
-> @test
-> @testnet
====== input text
hello @te
Since there aren't result the search is stopped and resumed only after the char d
is deleted.
====== input text
hello @ted another text
There are saved "parts of research", which are substring with a starting char (mention tag) and ending point (when no results are found).
Looping through these parts of research I am able to detect when the search has to be enabled again.
export type SearchCursorPosition = {
uuid: string; // Unique identifier
start: number; // Starting point
end: number; // Ending point, updated every time chars are added or removed
pauseAt?: number; // Point where search is stopped (zero results)
type: string; // Mention type
Search will be enabled till the user press CLOSE and every char typed will throw the search method.