Solana client app designed to receive airdrops, facilitate SOL transfers between various wallets, and generate new key pairs using TypeScript.
Make sure you already have Node js installed before proceeding. Then, install the necessary node modules to start the application
npm install
After installing all the necessary dependencies, you can now proceed to generate a new keypair
npm run keygen
Create a .env file and paste your Secret Key. You will find an example in .env-sample
"scripts": {
"keygen": "ts-node ./src/keygen.ts",
"airdrop": "ts-node ./src/airdrop.ts",
"transfer": "ts-node ./src/transfer.ts",
"check-my-balance": "ts-node ./src/check-my-balance.ts",
"check-wallet-balance": "ts-node ./src/check-wallet-balance.ts",
"create-mint": "ts-node ./src/spl-init.ts",
"mint-token": "ts-node ./src/spl-mint.ts",
"transfer-token": "ts-node ./src/spl-transfer.ts",
"upload-image": "ts-node ./src/upload-image.ts",
"spl-metadata": "ts-node ./src/spl-metadata.ts",
"spl-metadata2": "ts-node ./src/spl-metadata2.ts",
"transfer-with-message": "ts-node ./src/transfer-with-message.ts",
"trasfer-specific-token": "ts-node ./src/trasfer-specific-token.ts"
This code can be downloaded and freely modified by anyone! 😊 Any suggestions or improvements will be appreciated. Feel free to contact me.