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This tool provides an alternative to the php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import App\\Entity attribute --path=src/Entity
command in Symfony 7, as the doctrine:mapping:import
command has been removed in the latest versions. It allows for importing entity mappings from existing databases into Symfony applications.
- PostgreSQL
- SQLServer
- Oracle
- Sqlite3
- Does not support
types - When supporting
types, you need to set mapping_types - Converts similar types (e.g.,
- Supports numeric, string, date, currency, JSON, UUID, binary, and boolean types
- Does not support complex or custom types
- Supports exact numeric, approximate numeric, date/time, string (char, varchar), Unicode string (nchar, nvarchar), binary string (binary, varbinary), and other data types
- Does not support deprecated or complex data types
- Supports various data types such as NUMBER, FLOAT, CHAR, VARCHAR2, DATE, TIMESTAMP, RAW, CLOB, BLOB, etc.
- Does not support other data types
- Supports integer, real, float, double, decimal, varchar, blob, text, date, datetime, and boolean types
composer require siburuxue/doctrine-helper
php bin/console doctrine-helper:mapping:import App\\Entity attribute --path=src/Entity --ucfrist=true --table=dict,log --without-table-prefix=eq_
php bin/console doctrine-helper:mapping:import --ucfirst=true
: The namespace for the Entity class (default:App\Entity
: Type of database field description (attribute, xml, yaml, php) (default:attribute
, currently only supportattribute
: Path to store Entity class files (default:src/Entity
: Generate Symfony 6 style Entities (private properties in camelCase) for seamless code migration (default: Symfony 7 style with underscored private properties)--table
: Import specific tables to generate corresponding Entity and Repository classes--without-table-prefix
: Ignore table prefix when generating Entities
In this article, we'll use MySQL as an example to demonstrate the generation result.
Assuming your database contains a table called "test," which includes almost all MySQL data types and has unique indexes, composite indexes, and regular indexes:
create table test
id int not null,
int_1 int default 1 not null comment 'int',
int_2 smallint default 2 null comment 'smallint',
int_3 int default 3 null comment 'tinyint',
int_4 mediumint default 4 null comment 'mediumint',
int_5 bigint not null comment 'bigint'
primary key,
int_6 double default 6 null comment 'float',
int_7 double default 7 null comment 'double',
int_8 decimal default 8 null comment 'decimal',
date_1 date default (curdate()) null comment 'date',
date_2 time default (curtime()) null comment 'time',
date_3 datetime default (now()) null comment 'datetime',
date_4 timestamp default (now()) null comment 'timestamp',
date_5 year default (now()) null comment 'year',
str_1 char default 'a' null comment 'char',
str_2 varchar(255) default 'b' null comment 'varchar(255)',
str_3 varbinary(1) default 0x63 null comment 'binary',
str_4 varbinary(1) default 0x64 null comment 'varbinary(1)',
str_8 set ('a', 'b', 'c') default 'a,b' null comment 'set',
json_1 json null comment 'json',
bool_1 int default 0 null comment 'bool',
constraint I_int_2
unique (int_2) comment '唯一索引'
comment '测试表';
create index I_int_1
on test (int_1)
comment '普通索引';
create index I_int_3
on test (int_3, int_4, int_5)
comment '联合索引';
create index I_int_4
on test (int_6);
To generate the corresponding Entity and Repository class files using the command:
php bin/console doctrine-helper:mapping:import --ucfirst=true --table=test
The newly created Test entity class will look like this:
// src/Entity/Test.php
namespace App\Entity;
use App\Repository\TestRepository;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
#[ORM\Table(name: 'test')]
#[ORM\UniqueConstraint(name: 'I_int_2', columns: ['int_2'])]
#[ORM\Index(name: 'I_int_1', columns: ['int_1'])]
#[ORM\Index(name: 'I_int_3', columns: ['int_3', 'int_4', 'int_5'])]
#[ORM\Index(name: 'I_int_4', columns: ['int_6'])]
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: TestRepository::class)]
class Test
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_5", type: Types::BIGINT, options: ["comment" => "bigint"])]
#[ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy: "NONE")]
private ?string $int5 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "id")]
private ?int $id = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_1", options: ["comment" => "int", "default" => 1])]
private ?int $int1 = 1;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_2", type: Types::SMALLINT, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "smallint", "default" => 2])]
private ?int $int2 = 2;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_3", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "tinyint", "default" => 3])]
private ?int $int3 = 3;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_4", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "mediumint", "default" => 4])]
private ?int $int4 = 4;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_6", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "float", "default" => 6])]
private ?float $int6 = 6;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_7", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "double", "default" => 7])]
private ?float $int7 = 7;
#[ORM\Column(name: "int_8", type: Types::DECIMAL, precision: 10, scale: 0, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "decimal", "default" => 8])]
private ?string $int8 = '8';
#[ORM\Column(name: "date_1", type: Types::DATE_MUTABLE, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "date", "default" => 'curdate()'])]
private ?\DateTimeInterface $date1 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "date_2", type: Types::TIME_MUTABLE, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "time", "default" => 'curtime()'])]
private ?\DateTimeInterface $date2 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "date_3", type: Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "datetime", "default" => 'now()'])]
private ?\DateTimeInterface $date3 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "date_4", type: Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "timestamp", "default" => 'now()'])]
private ?\DateTimeInterface $date4 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "date_5", type: Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "year", "default" => 'now()'])]
private ?\DateTimeInterface $date5 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "str_1", length: 1, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "char", "fixed" => true, "default" => 'a'])]
private ?string $str1 = 'a';
#[ORM\Column(name: "str_2", length: 255, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "varchar(255)", "default" => 'b'])]
private ?string $str2 = 'b';
#[ORM\Column(name: "str_3", type: Types::BINARY, length: 1, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "binary", "default" => '0x63'])]
private $str3 = 0x63;
#[ORM\Column(name: "str_4", type: Types::BINARY, length: 1, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "varbinary(1)", "default" => '0x64'])]
private $str4 = 0x64;
#[ORM\Column(name: "str_8", type: Types::SIMPLE_ARRAY, nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "set", "default" => 'a,b'])]
private ?array $str8 = ["a","b"];
#[ORM\Column(name: "json_1", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "json"])]
private ?array $json1 = null;
#[ORM\Column(name: "bool_1", nullable: true, options: ["comment" => "bool", "default" => 0])]
private ?int $bool1 = 0;
// ...getter and setter
Feel free to explore and utilize this tool for managing Doctrine mappings in your Symfony applications!