Place of oblivion - web application and casino simulator created on ASP.NET as backend part and on React as frontend part (Typescript + Material UI). The project implements a system of game sessions, balance management, and authorization via HTTPOnly Cookies.
- Backend:
,Entity Framework
- Frontend:
,Material UI
- Database:
- API documentation:
- State-manager:
- Validation:
- Registration, login and authorization via HTTPOnly Cookies
- Data safety via routing and state-manager
- Ability to roll the slots test your luck by getting prizes
- Balance deposit every 10 seconds
- Conducting gaming sessions (“roll” the slot)
- Displaying the history of sessions
# Choose directory for cloning repository
git clone
cd PlaceOfOblivion.Server
# Config your connection string in appsettings.json
# Execute migration
dotnet ef database update
# Launch a server
set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development (development mode with swagger)
dotnet run --urls "https://localhost:7024;http://localhost:5287"
Also you can find example appsettings.json to make your connection string
cd placeofoblivion.client
npm install
npm run dev
Swagger is available at: https://localhost:7024/swagger/index.html
after launching a server
This project is using MIT LICENSE. For more details, see:
TOROP Matvii - backend and frontend developer, idea creator