You can see some JSON files to learn how to use Tuw.
- Minimal: Example for a minimal GUI.
- Title and Button: Options to rename the window title and the execution button.
- Put Components: Example for a text box.
- JSON Embedding: You can embed JSON into exe!
- Open a JSON with Tuw: You can open any JSON files with Tuw to launch GUI!
Examples for GUI components (e.g. file pickers)
- Path Pickers: File pickers and dir pickers.
- Number Pickers: Int pickers and float pickers.
- Check Boxes: Check box and check array.
- Choices: Combo box and radio buttons.
- Other components: There are more components you can use.
Examples for component options.
- IDs: An option to set ids. You can use them as variable names in commands.
- Default Values: An option to set default values of components.
- Tooltips: An option to show a message when the mouse cursor is on a component.
- Placeholders: An option to show a message when the text box is empty.
- Validators: Options to validate input strings before execution.
- Renaming Buttons: An option to rename buttons of path pickers.
- Affixes: Options to append strings to user intpus.
- Optional Components: An option to ignore affixes and validators when a text box is empty.
There are more features you can use.
- Error Handling: How to notify users of errors.
- Help Documents: You can put help documents for users.
- Multiple Definitions: You can put multiple definitions in a JSON file.
- Cross-platform Support: You can make platform specific GUIs.
- Version Checking: Constraints on the tool version.
- Alternate Spellings: Tuw supports multiple spellings for some JSON keys and values.
- Skip Success Dialog: You can skip the success dialog.
- UTF-8 Outputs on Windows: Tuw requires an option when using UTF-8 outputs on Windows.
The JSON file that has all supported keys.
Not about the JSON format, but they might help you.
- Multiple Lines: How to run multiple commands in a process.
- Unicode Characters: Tuw supports UTF-8!
- Safe Mode: You can check commands without executing them.
- JSON with Comments: Tuw supports C-style comments in JSON files.