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128 lines (105 loc) · 3.98 KB



  • mmo rts rpg
  • online realtime live action
  • top-down shooter with vehicles
  • endless user-made world
  • ai controlled drones
  • ...


npm i && npm start


crazy random TODO:


separate tank from player from actor

GET OUT OF TANK: todo 1. can player drive drones? teleport to them?

todo durability - lifetime of objects - old objects start to destruct over time like rust buildings to make world more clear after time playing.

sound: in game spectrum of all sounds radar on all sides of screen when stereo is not enough then this can whos up down enemy

todo api for bots. they can wasd and shot and get all info like player do. //todo real ai //todo procedural level generation single left click

  • map or enemy - start shoort - ontap not release my drone or building - select - ontap and release left mouse drag - select selected appears in list below ui selected have options - menu menu items have type meny units building s drones can have same menu type like attak for any drones

if something selected - right click to sometgjhing provides menu


//zavod - creates drones //

floor is object tree is object barrel is object wall is object any can be collidible. must be depth for not collidible. on server collidible are all polys on client can be simplified like barrles tio squares but ui must allow crfeate ahujennije poly steni!!!! suka!



  • enable/disable sync attack (radius?)

//zavod new drone power up somethin! resources! //todo current task! like single player! always something to do! to achieve next level! how? simple quests! kill 100 self bots! pox!

//todo my drone list in ui like aoe units //import Sumka from './game/sumka.js';//tam zdanija kotorie strois.. kak eta s menju skrestic? s vemnju pokazivac x skoka v sumke?

    //todo console chat combined for system messages like kills and so like l2 krch?
    //todo alerts
    //todo player name rename save?
    //todo spectate/freecam
    //todo fly list/control/ui
    //todo reload timer near mouse
    //possible use of q e r g b m tab x c z v
    //throw oil/dirt to slow down enemies
    //smoke! you see all not!!!! flash!
    active / passive / timeout / reloadtime / collectable as items?
    usable / collectable / bullets / skills / hp potions / weapons / sealed fly buiders? sealed buildings? just draw world / obstacles / private terrytory resonators like starcraft and that mobile game  craft?
    mobs=bots=gain xp; loot dropped items;
    npcs are mobs/bots?or fly like?are mobs flys?are all characters? can change eny? :D
    fly can build building and start manufacturing flys
    //todo transport flys :D TELEPORTS !!! caution use of small amount of teleport pairs for fast resource gather by flys to travel with carrying gotten wood to factory sklad faster. teleport resonators and teleport free zones. can relatime preview teleporting zone?
    //todo internal teleport system for "leveling" and missions across world
    //fast travel = fly, todo subways
    lvl up as xp gain. lvl unlocks something. always.
    clan team party system allows build combined terrytories!
    farm gains comething like xp. why need wood? to create items. in own.. factory(codename for craftung)/store(network,birzha)
    trade system with enemies
    portal system creates zones
    //todo write all to db like telemetry for mega stats lol        

old todo:

  • move [ok]
  • looke [ok]
  • shoot [ok]
  • mmo [ok]-
  • hp
  • pvp
  • quest system
  • mobs / pve
  • invetory
  • dropped collectable items
  • weapons
  • ammo
  • medkits
  • build castles
  • trains bots ar pets in castles
  • use pets as strategy units
  • spectate


  • phaser [ok]
  • websocket [ok]
  • db ?