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Max De Marzi edited this page Jun 19, 2013 · 8 revisions

Begin a transaction:

@neo.begin_transaction                                     # Begin a transaction
@neo.begin_transaction("start n=node(0) return n")         # Begin a transaction with statements

Keep a transaction alive:

@neo.keep_transaction(tx)                                  # Keep a transaction alive (extend timeout)

Add to a transaction:

@neo.in_transaction(tx, "start n=node(0) return n")        # Add a statement to a transaction
@neo.in_transaction(tx, ["start n=node({id}) return n",    # Add a statement to a transaction with 
                         {:id => 0}])                      # parameters 
@neo.in_transaction(tx, ["start n=node({id}) return n",    # Add a statement to a transaction with 
                         {:id => 0},
                         "start n=node({id}) return n",    # Add statements to a transaction with 
                         {:id => 1}])                      # parameters 

Commit to a transaction:

@neo.commit_transaction(tx)                                 # Commit a transaction
@neo.commit_transaction("start n=node(0) return n")         # Start and Commit a transaction
@neo.commit_transaction(["start n=node({id}) return n",     # Start and Commit a transaction
                         :id => 0}])                        # with a parameter
@neo.commit_transaction(tx, "start n=node(0) return n")     # Commit a transaction with a new statement
@neo.commit_transaction(tx, ["start n=node({id}) return n", # Add a statement to a transaction with 
                            {:id => 0}])                    # parameters 
@neo.commit_transaction(tx, ["start n=node({id}) return n", # Commit a statement to a transaction with 
                            {:id => 0},
                            "start n=node({id}) return n",  # Commit statements to a transaction with 
                            {:id => 1}])                    # parameters 

Rollback a transaction:

@neo.rollback_transaction(tx)                               # Commit a transaction
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