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Table of Contents

EvocraftSearch: Install and Run

Step 1: Installation

  1. If you do not already have it, please install Conda
  2. Create autodisc conda environment: conda create --name autodisc python=3.8
  3. Activate autodisc conda environment: conda activate autodisc
  4. If you do not already have it, please create a package folder that you will link to your conda env: mkdir <path_to_packages_folder>
  5. Into your package folder, clone the following packages:
    a. git clone [email protected]:mayalenE/exputils.git b. git clone [email protected]:mayalenE/pytorchneat.git
    c. git clone [email protected]:mayalenE/imagerepresentation.git d. git clone [email protected]:mayalenE/evocraftsearch.git
  6. Include thos packages in the conda environment:
    echo "<path_to_packages_folder>" > "$HOME/miniconda3/envs/autodisc/lib/python3.8/site-packages/my_packages.pth"
  7. Install the required conda packages in the environment (requirements.txt file can be found in evocraftsearch directory):
    while read requirement; do conda install --yes $requirement --channel default --channel anaconda --channel conda-forge --channel pytorch || pip install $requirement; done < requirements.txt

Step 2: Run the experiments

You can reproduce the experiments by going in the examples folder of the evocraftsearch repository and do:


You can change the experiment configuration by selecting one of the proposed configs (, etc) or by changing the hyperparameters yourself in the config file.

EvocraftSearch: Code Skeleton

The general structure of the code is inspired from OpenAI's Gym library.
The main classes (System, OutputRepresentation, OutputFitness and Explorer) are implemented in


Class used to define valid spaces for (i) input parameters of the Evocraft systems and (ii) IMGEP explorer goal space. Implemented space classes are: BoxSpace, DiscreteSpace, MultiDiscreteSpace, MultiBinarySpace and CppnSpace.
Implemented container classes are: TupleSpace anb DictSpace.
Most use-cases should be covered by those classes but custom Space can be defined and must implement the following API methods:

  • sample(self) - randomly sample an element of this space
  • mutate(self, x) - randomly mutate an element of this space
  • crossover(self, x1, x2) - randomly crossover two elements of this space
  • contains(self, x) - return boolean specifying if x is a valid
  • clamp(self, x) - return a valid clamped value of x inside space's bounds


Class used to store and save data runs of an exploration

  • config
    • db_directory - directory into which the ExplorationDB will save the run_*_data.pickle and run_*_ observations.pickle files
    • save_observations - boolean which indicates if observations should be saved (i.e. if run_*_observations.pickle files should be generated)
    • keep_saved_runs_in_memory - boolean which indicates if run data entries should be kept in memory after being saved to external files
    • memory_size_run_data - integer which indicates the maximum number of run data entries that are stored in memory
    • load_observations - boolean which indicates if observations should be loaded in memory when loading from files
  • run_ids - ids of all runs in the database
  • run_data_ids_in_memory - is of runs stored in memory
  • runs - Ordered dictionary with single exploration runs (keys: ids, values: run_data), a run_data is an Dict with:
    • id - integer identifer of the run
      • policy_parameters - Dict with the input parameters for the system
      • observations - Dict with the observations for the systems, for eg
        • states - evocraft states
        • timepoints - timepoints of the observed states


The main system's attributes are:

  • initialization_space - DictSpace object corresponding to Evocraft initialisation genome's parameters
  • update_rule_space - DictSpace object corresponding to Evocraft update rule genome's parameters
  • intervention_space - DictSpace object corresponding to valid intervention parameters in the step() function

The main API methods that this class needs to implement are:

  • reset(self, initialization_parameters, update_rule_parameters) - resets the environment to an initial state and returns an initial observation
  • step(self, intervention_parameters) - run one timestep of the system's dynamics
  • render(self, **kwargs) - renders the environment
  • close(self) - cleanup the environment
  • save(self, filepath) - save the system object using function in pickle format


Base class for the torch_nn system. Inherits from evocraftsearch.System and torch.nn.Module.
Aditionnally to System's main API methods, torch.nn.Module's main API methods are callable.


Class for the LeniaChem system (implemented as a differentiable torch module).


Class used to convert observations (outputs of the system) to an embedding vector (eg: used for the goal space mapping representation of a goal-based explorer).
The main API methods that this class needs to implement are:

  • calc(self, observations, **kwargs) - maps the observations of a system to an embedding (embedding space can take different forms)


Class used to convert observations (outputs of the system) to a fitness score (eg: used for the selection in neat-sgd explorer).
The main API methods that this class needs to implement are:

  • calc(self, observations, **kwargs) - maps the observations of a system to a fitness score


Base class for exploration experiments.

  • system - system explored
  • db - ExplorationDB used to store and save exploration results

Allows to save and load exploration results via the ExplorationDB class. The main API methods that this class needs to implement are:

  • save(self, filepath) - Saves the explorer object using function in pickle format
  • load(explorer_filepath, load_data=True, run_ids=None, map_location='cuda') - static method to load an explorer from a saved pickle


Basic goal-based explorer that samples goals in a goalspace and uses a policy library to generate parameters to reach the goal.

  • config
    • num_of_random_initialization - number of random initializations before starting the goal-directed exploration
    • frequency_of_random_initialization - frequency of random initialization during the goal-directed exploration
    • source_policy_selection - config used to sample policy parameters given a target goal
    • reach_goal_optimizer - config used to optimize policy parameters toward a target goal
  • policy_library - episodic memory of policy parameters
  • goal_library - episodic memory of reached goals