NL Design System design token values for "the Maykin theme".
The Maykin theme is typically used in Demo environments for various projects that support styling with NL Design System (community) components. It serves as the source of truth for any theme/design choices.
Specify the design tokens in JSON files, which are picked up and merged using the style-dictionary library. The resulting packages include various build targets, such as ES6 modules, CSS variables files, SASS vars... to be consumed in downstream projects.
The draft Design Token Format drives the structure of these design tokens.
Using tokens
If you are only consuming the design tokens, the easiest integration path is adding the NPM package as dependency to your project:
npm install --save-dev @maykinmedia/design-tokens
Then, import the desired build target artifact and run your usual build chain.
We don't let npm
apply the git tags when releasing a new version, instead follow this process:
npm version minor # or major or patch, depending on the nature of the changes
git commit -am ":bookmark: Bump to version <newVersion>"
git tag "<newVersion>"
git push origin main --tags
If you have PGP keys set up, you can use them for the git tag operation.
The CI pipeline will then publish the new version to npmjs.