- Startup delayed.
- What's new not shown on first installation.
- Package update.
- Line comment prefix scope changed to 'application'. I.e. it is global to asm-code-lens and can be changed only in user settings.
- Added setting for push/pop pair matching.
- Fixed "CTRL+click" to follow link on macos for "Find labels with no Reference"
- Fixed an old bug in reduceLocations method.
- Cleanup
- Toggling of block comments (/* ... */) supported
- Matching brackets highlighting
- Autoclosing and autosurrounding for brackets, block comments and quotation marks
- Hover: Check added that text range is valid.
- Fixed: macro (without name according sjasmplus) could result in no symbols in outline view.
- Outline view: #98: Properly show symbol kinds and structs/modules in document outline by mwpenny
- Outline view: Show 'macro' as "interface".
- FoldingRangeProvider added.
- Some optimizations for regexes.
- WorkspaceSymbolProvider added.
- MACROs are now identified as 'Methods' in the outline view.
- Hex-Calculator and donate buttons fixed.
- Reduced package size a lot due to PR #90 by Crystal-RainSlide.
- Fixed #84: Refactoring of all vscode providers. Especially the code lens provider. The way there were used did not work in all multiroot configurations. This should be fixed now.
- 'Find Labels with no Reference' now only prints unused labels of the current workspace folder.
- Refactored: all file access now goes through vscode api.
- Fixed #87: # comment
- Fixed incompatibility with vscode 1.74.
- Fixed #83: incorrect behavior "$problem-matcher-sjasmplus". Now also supports absolute paths.
- Fixed #82: Another codepages. Hovering now honors the vscode code page settings of the file.
- Code lens: improved performance for pathologic source files.
- File references in output window are now correctly formatted as links for Windows.
- A lot of internal refactoring and test cases.
- List files and asm files are more separated now.
- New language ID for list files. List file support for completion, rename, etc. added.
- Setting "asm-code-lens.includeFiles" removed. Not necessary anymore.
- Better list file syntax highlighting.
- Embedded markdown list file syntax highlighting (~~~list}.
- Multiline comments support (/* ... */)
- for references/code lenses
- for hover and descriptive text in front of the label
- Fix for references after quotes (issue #69)
- Wider references for code lenses and "Find labels with no Reference": Fixed #68
- Delayed activation event to "onStartupFinished"
- Added PR #65: Add syntax highlight to Markdown code blocks.
- Added configuration to exclude certain labels.
- Added configurations to recognize labels with colons, without colons or both.
- Fixed renaming in multiroot context.
- Fixed CMD-click in output channel of 'Find Labels with no Reference'.
- Fixed negative number formatting in hex number in hex calculator.
- Fixed: 'Goto definition' for include files.
- .z80 added to defaults. I.e. it will be syntax highlighted automatically. But you need to update the preferences 'asm-code-lens.includeFiles' with 'z80' manually for advanced features like references.
- Fixed recognition of global labels for sjasmplus in code lenses. Issue #49.
- Fixed: When the settings were changed the providers (e.g. CodeLens) were registered multiple times.
- Multiroot workspaces support.
- Internal refactoring.
- Solved issue #54: Using "# " as comment instead of "#".
- Icon for hex calculator added.
- PR from chrijbel: Added support for changing the line comment prefix to use with VS Code keybindings: Toggle/Add Line Comment.
- Fixed #52: CamelCase filename issue in Linux.
- Removed config warning.
- Fixed 'Illegal argument' error.
- Regression fixed: Issue #30: Goto definition to local label not working
- Regression fixed: what's new command.
- Fixed: missing manifest.
- Added a hex calculator for the sidebar.
- Added syntax highlighting for SLDOPT sjasmplus keyword thanks to kborowinski.
- Fixed sjasmplus OUTEND highlighting thanks to kborowinski.
- Fixed #46: Syntax highlighting: clash of Z80 vs. x86
- Added syntax highlighting for DeZog WPMEM, LOGPOINT and ASSERTION.
- Flags in Z80 jp, jr and call are now highlighted in different color than mnemonic.
- Fixed IFN highlighting #44 thanks to kborowinski.
- Fixed line comment toggling #45
- Fixed semver package.
- What's new only shown once.
- Donate button added.
- What's new added.
- Fixes:
- #40: "Hover display incorrect"
- #41: "No completion of local label"
- Fixes:
- #39: "Wrong substitution: e.label"
- #38: "Completion: wrong label"
- #37: "Outline: Data label shown as code"
- #36: "Outline: STRUCTs wrong."
- #34: "local labels not recognized properly?"
- #33: "Quarte in binary numbers highlighted wrong"
- #32: "ENDS not correctly colored"
- #31: "Some grammar for Z80N missing"
- #30: "Goto definition to local label not working"
- Syntax highlighting for "// ... " style comments
- Outline view tested.
- Outline view.
- Hovering now shows also EQU value if on the same line as label.
- Added sjasmplus problem matcher.
- Fixed changelog.
- Fixed issue #23 for Linux.
- Added anderson-arc's list of x86 instructions.
- Fixed dot command completion.
- Added more commands/fixes (kborowinski).
- Added support for more sjasmplus directives thanks to kborowinski.
- New icon.
- Fixed falsy recognition of opcodes as labels.
- Improved 'Goto Definition' and 'Rename' for concatenated (sjasmplus) labels.
- Settings fixed.
- Added settings for globbing include and exclude files.
- Fixed error reading files, sometimes wrong data was read, i.e. sometimes labels were not found.
- Added Z80 register names as proposals for completions.
- Fixed "Go to definition" for sjasmplus macros.
- Fix for hovering local labels.
- Completions for z80 instructions.
- Better support fo sjasmplus dot label notation.
- Support for sjasmplus macros.
- Recognizes sjasmplus MODULE keyword in assembly files.
- 'Go to definition' also for INCLUDE files.
- Completions implemented. Also supports sjasmplus dots notation and MODULEs.
- New settings: enableCompletions, completionsRequiredLength.
- Unit tests for regular expressions.
- Configurable through settings.json.
- Added syntax highlighting.
- HoverProvider can be enabled/disabled in the settings.
- DefinitionProvider added.
- New Command: asm-code-lens.find-labels-with-no-reference. Searches all labels and shows the ones that are not referenced.
- Bugfixes.
- Readme updated.
- Initial marketplace release.
- Code Lens
- Hover support
- Symbol renaming
- Initial version. Support for "Find all references".