Web/App .config able extensions for the Twilio .Net API
Twilio .Confing is a extension to the standard twiliosharp .net object that allows configuration via the web.config/app.config file. This makes it esspecially easy to go from dev to production becasue you can leave the config files configured correctly.
Also the project contiains a setting to allow Real .net exceptions to be thrown if the RestException property is not null
To create a configured Twilio Client you would do:
var client = new TwilioDotConfig.TwilioDotConfigClient();
With the standard Twilio client you would need to specify the account and credientials Every time you create the client For exmaple:
var client = new Twilio.TwilioRestClient("AccountSId", "Authtoken", "AccountResourceSid");
client.ThrowExceptions = true; // if you want real exceptions to be thrown
Setup you webconfig/appconfig: Here is a minimal config file setup:
<section name="TwilioDotConfig" type="TwilioDotConfig.TwilioDotConfigSection"/>
<TwilioDotConfig accountSid="accountSid" authToken="authToken" accountResourceSid="accountResourceSid" TwilioBaseURL="https://api.twilio.com/" >
Note: By default TwilioBaseURL="https://api.twilio.com/" however it can be usefull to change it when you want to use a local emulator such as mbadler / TwilioEmulator.