All notable changes after its initial development up to January 2020 (v0.2) are documented in this file.
- v5.x (??? 2024)
- Changed build status.
- v5.0 (Apr 2024)
- Remove dependency to pyjams by copying all utilities to pyeee. Screening and Morris' Method will be deprecated in pyjams.
- v4.1 (Mar 2024)
- Added to conda-forge.
- v4.0 (Feb 2024)
- Moved all Markdown files to reStructuredText.
- Moved documentation to sphinxbook.
- Moved documentation to Github pages.
- Moved to Github actions.
- Moved to new pip structure using pyproject.toml.
- v3.0 (Oct 2021)
- Use pyjams package. Remove all modules, functions, tests, and docs of routines that are now in pyjams.
- Move from to
- v2.1 (Sep 2020)
- Included subpackages const, functions in automatic packaging.
- Build pure Python wheels without using cibuildwheel.
- v2.0 (Jun 2020)
- Use package partialwrap in docstrings and documentation.
- Remove utils directory: is now directly in pyeee directory.
- Sync const and functions of JAMS package.
- Generalise structure of
- Build only Linux on TravisCI because tests are/were only done on Linux.
- v1.2 (Apr 2020)
- Sample not only from uniform distribution but allow all distributions of scipy.stats in morris_sampling, screening/eee, and eee/see.
- v1.1 (Feb 2020)
- Make number of final trajectories an argument instead of a keyword argument in screening/ee.
- Make number of final trajectories an argument instead of a keyword argument and sample by default 10*final trajectories in Morris Method, i.e. morris_sampling.
- v1.0 (Feb 2020)
- Restructured package with functions and utils subpackages.
- v0.9 (Feb 2020)
- Added mention to template of Sebastian Mueller in and documentation.
- Renamed to
- Adjusted names of arguments and keyword arguments in morris_sampling and elementary_effects to be consistent with rest of pyeee.
- v0.8 (Feb 2020)
- Split tests in individual files, one per module.
- Changed from ValueError to TypeError if function given to exe wrappers.
- InputError does not exist, use TypeError in screening.
- Use assertRaises for check error handling in tests.
- Plot diagnostic figures in png files in Morris sampling if matplotlib installed.
- Coverage at maximum except for
- v0.7 (Feb 2020)
- Make systematically function_p versions of all logistic functions and its derivatives.
- Keep formatting of names and spaces with sub_names_params functions.
- Close input file before raising error in standard_parameter_reader_bounds_mask.
- Removed missing coverage in function_wrappers, std_io, sa_test_functions, and general_functions.
- v0.6 (Feb 2020)
- Tests did not work on TravisCI because pyeee not installed: put pyeee in PYTHONPATH for tests and in shell script.
- Added tests for standard IO and documented missing coverage.
- v0.5 (Feb 2020)
- Added tests for general functions, function and exe wrappers, Morris Elementary Effects, SA test functions, screening, and tee to increase coverage.
- Renamed ntsteps to nsteps in eee to be consistent with screening/ee.
- Change check of logfile in eee: check for string rather than file handle to be independent of Python version.
- Replaced kwarg.pop mechanism in exe wrappers because it removed the keywords from subsequent function calls.
- v0.4.2 (Jan 2020)
- Second release online on Github, simply to trigger zenodo.
- v0.4.1 (Jan 2020)
- First release on zenodo.
- v0.4 (Jan 2020)
- Replaced numpy.matrix arithmetic with on ndarray in. Morris sampling: no numpy deprecation warnings anymore.
- v0.3 (Jan 2020)
- Added test for see, using logfile and several processes in eee.
- Added seed keyword to screening/ee.
- Distinguish iterable and array_like parameter types in all routines.
- Added verbose keyword to eee / see.
- Added Elementary Effects (ee) in and Quick usage guide.
- Corrected error in description of pyeee in, and set development status to 4 - Beta.
- v0.2 (Jan 2020)
- Initial release on PyPI.