A BSD licensed Go lang library to use the Amazon Product API.
Also my first Go
At the moment it supports only ItemLookup
. Everything can change, and
probably will, use at your own peril.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Complete these variables with your credentials
accessKey := "ACCESS_KEY"
accessSecret := "ACCESS_SECRET"
associateTag := "ASSOCIATE_TAG"
region := "UK"
request := amzpa.NewRequest(accessKey, accessSecret , associateTag, region)
asins:= []string{"0141033576,0615314465,1470057719"}
responseGroups := "Medium,Accessories"
itemsType := "ASIN"
response,err := request.ItemLookup(asins, responseGroups, itemsType)
if err == nil && response.Request.IsValid {
for _, item := range response.Items {
fmt.Printf("ASIN: %s\n", item.ASIN)
fmt.Printf("DetailPageURL: %s\n", item.DetailPageURL)
fmt.Printf("Author: %s\n", item.Author)
fmt.Printf("Price: %s\n", item.Price)
fmt.Printf("Medium Image URL: %s\n", item.MediumImage.URL)
} else {
- [IN PROGRESS] Map the XML to a struct, so that the response is not just a big string
- Support more than one ResponseGroup
- ItemSearch
- Gzip compression