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2D Tree


  • 给定一组2维坐标点,找出所有 位于某个矩形范围的所有点

Grid implementation

  • Divide space into M-by-M grid of squares.
  • Create list of points contained in each square.
  • Use 2d array to directly index relevant square.
  • Insert: add (x, y) to list for corresponding square.
  • Range search: examine only squares that intersect 2d range query.

  • Fast, simple solution for evenly-distributed points.
  • Problem
    • "Clustering"
      • Lists are too long, even though average length is short.
      • Need data structure that adapts gracefully to data.

Space-partitioning trees

Use a tree to represent a recursive subdivision of 2d space.

  • Grid. Divide space uniformly into squares.
  • 2d tree. Recursively divide space into two halfplanes.
  • Quadtree. Recursively divide space into four quadrants.
  • BSP tree. Recursively divide space into two regions.

Space-partitioning trees: applications

  • Ray tracing.
  • 2d range search
  • Flight simulators.
  • N-body simulation.
  • Collision detection.
  • Astronomical databases.
  • Nearest neighbor search
  • Adaptive mesh generation.
  • Accelerate rendering in Doom.
  • Hidden surface removal and shadow casting.

2d tree construction

  • Recursively partition plane into two halfplanes

2d tree implementation

  • Data structure
    • BST, but alternate using x- and y-coordinates as key.
  • Search gives rectangle containing point.
  • Insert further subdivides the plane.

  • Node in tree, for each node , it contains
    • Point2D, the position represents the Node
    • Rectage, the rectangle it belongs to
    • Subtree lb, rt , 2 sub trees it divided into

Range search in a 2d tree

  • To find all points contained in a given query rectangle
  • start at the root and recursively search for points in both subtrees using the following pruning rule:
    • if the query rectangle does not intersect the rectangle corresponding to a node, there is no need to explore that node (or its subtrees).
    • A subtree is searched only if it might contain a point contained in the query rectangle.
    • That is :
      • 如果 节点所在矩形 和 查询的矩形 不相交,直接返回;
      • 否则,检查 节点位置 是否 在查询矩形内,如果是 添加节点位置到 返回结果列表; 递归检查 左右子树

Range search in a 2d tree analysis

  • Typical case. R + log N.
  • Worst case (assuming tree is balanced). R + √N.

Nearest neighbor search in a 2d tree

  • To find a closest point to a given query point
  • start at the root and recursively search in both subtrees using the following pruning rule:
    • if the distance between the closest point(some node) discovered so far and the query point , is <= the distance between the query point and the rectangle corresponding to the checking node, there is no need to explore that node (or its subtrees).
      • if ( minDist <= checkingNode.rect.distanceSquaredTo( queryP ) ) return null ;
      • 否则,计算 节点位置和 查询点的距离, 更新minDist(如果更短的话)
    • That is, a node is searched only if it might contain a point that is closer than the best one found so far.
    • The effectiveness of the pruning rule depends on quickly finding a nearby point.
    • To do this, organize your recursive method so that when there are two possible subtrees to go down, you always choose the subtree that is on the same side of the splitting line as the query point as the first subtree to explore -- the closest point found while exploring the first subtree may enable pruning of the second subtree.
      • 选择一个更可能存在 nearest point 的 子树,优先递归查找

Nearest neighbor search in a 2d tree analysis

  • Typical case. log N.
  • Worst case (even if tree is balanced). N.


  • 2d tree 需要避免多次插入重复的点, 你需要在insert 的时候,过滤掉这些点,这涉及到 搜索某个特定点的问题
  • search for a particular point
    • 只有当 key ( x or y) 相等时,再判断 当前节点是否是 查找的点, 避免不需要的 equal() 判断