- Inkscape
- Interface and Basic Drawing
- Groups, Levels, and Object Selection
- Text and Fonts
- Drawing Lines and Paths vs Objects
- Bezier Tool and Nodes
- Trace Bitmap Tool (Convert Raster to SVG)
- 12 Difference, Union, Intersection, Combination
- 13 Align and Distribute
- 14 Spray Tool, Copy, Clone
- 15 - Using Layers
- 16 - Using Filters
- 17 - Rendering Paths and Objects
- 22
- move page :
- ctrl + right mouse button
- or hold down middle mouse button
- scale UI:
- ctrl + mouse whell
- set stroke color
- shift + pick color
- Note: select & scale a shape will also scale its stroke.
- circle tool
- style: 1. pacman (outside) 2. half moon (partial circle) (inside)
- select an object which is covered by another object
- Alt + left-click x 2
- if then you want drag that object, you must keep holding Alt key
- ways to multi-select objects
- shift-click to select another object
- rect select
- group objects ( join as one object permanently )
- first, multi-select objects
- menu/object/group
- change property of a single object in a group, without ungrouping it
- double click the group object
- select a single object
- edit propery
- escape ( or select other object that is not in this group)
- modify positions of some specific characters in a text
- selet those characters ( line wise by default ) , then hold Alt key + arrow keys
- more tools
- menu/Extensions/Text/
- capitalize, lowercase, uppercase, split ...
- menu/Text/Put on Path
- then menu/Path/Object to path , to finalize it. ( you now can remove the object used to path )
- how to put the text on the path inside a circle ?
- Put on Path
- flip horizontally
- but the letters are too close, choose the text tool, set the letter space.
- menu/Extensions/Text/
- FreeHand Drawing tool creates path, while tools like rectange, circle creating objects.
- Draw Line
- Recommended way is to use
Bezier Curve Tools
- Recommended way is to use
- We can convert a object to a path
- menu/Path/Object to Path
- We can also add node to path, by double clicking on the path (edge).
- Mode: "Creating Regular Bezier Path"
- single left click to create path with line segment
- hold on shift-key can drag the handler out from node so as to make curve
- or left-click(hold) on the line(curve) , to change its shape.
- hold on shift-key can drag the handler out from node so as to make curve
- when create 2nd, 3rd, ... node, hold left mouse key and move mouse can make curve as well.
- Choose different "Shape" to get additional effect
- single left click to create path with line segment
- Mode: "Creating Spiro Path"
- Path/Trace Bitmap..
- select both objects, /path/union
- it is no longer an object now, it is a path
- /Object/Align and Distribute , shift-cmd-A
- distribute: setting distance between objects
- how to do
- create any object
- choose 喷雾工具, draw as you want
- options
- prevent overlaping objects ( right most icon in tool bar)
- CMD-Shift-L , to open layer panel
- and then , you can add/delete/hierarchy layers
- Menu Filter/
- generate random shape
- Menu extension/render