The Text-to-C++ Code Converter is a project aimed at assisting beginner programmers who struggle with converting plain text instructions into C++ code. For newcomers to programming, tasks such as printing prime numbers from 1 to 100 can be daunting. This project aims to bridge that gap by allowing users to input simple commands and convert them into corresponding C++ code snippets. The users can then compare their commands to the generated C++ code for better understanding.
User Customization: The project empowers users to select the data type of variables, the number of variables, and the type of operations to be performed. They can choose from repetitive tasks, value assignments, conditional checks using if-else statements, variable declarations, and more.
Code Generation: Upon receiving correct instructions, the project generates actual C++ code that corresponds to the provided text commands. This enables users to observe the practical implementation of their commands in C++.
Error Handling: The system is equipped to detect and display errors if the user inputs incorrect commands, providing valuable feedback for learning and improvement.
Java: The project is developed using Java programming language for its versatility and ease of use.
JavaFX: JavaFX is utilized for creating a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.
1. C++ Language Syntax: The project extensively covers C++ language syntax and its various elements.
2. File Read and Write: File handling is incorporated to read user input commands and write the corresponding C++ code to output files.
3. Lexical Analysis and Tokenization: Techniques such as lexical analysis and tokenization are employed to process user input and transform it into C++ code.
4. TRIE Data Structure: A TRIE data structure is utilized for efficient storage and retrieval of keys, such as strings, making command processing more efficient.
5. KMP Algorithm for String Matching: The Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm is applied for string matching operations, enhancing the project's performance.
6. Context-Free Grammar (CFG): CFG is employed to specify the syntax rules for processing user commands and generating valid C++ code.
Users can interact with the project's JavaFX interface to input their commands and customize the C++ code generation.
The generated C++ code can be reviewed and compared to the user's initial commands for learning and understanding.
This project is open to contributions from the programming community. If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to create pull requests.
The Text-to-C++ Code Converter is intended for educational purposes only. It does not replace proper programming learning but rather serves as a supportive tool for beginner programmers.
Let this project be your guide in simplifying C++ code creation and fostering an enjoyable learning experience for budding programmers. Happy coding!