diff --git a/_data/default_variants.yml b/_data/default_variants.yml
index 7a4f4c540..2207413f2 100644
--- a/_data/default_variants.yml
+++ b/_data/default_variants.yml
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ extractors:
   tap-commercetools: airbyte
   tap-configcat: airbyte
   tap-confluence: edgarrmondragon
-  tap-contentful: dmzobel
+  tap-contentful: gthesheep
   tap-convertkit: airbyte
   tap-convex: airbyte
   tap-coosto: yoast
diff --git a/_data/meltano/extractors/tap-contentful/gthesheep.yml b/_data/meltano/extractors/tap-contentful/gthesheep.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0596fef00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/meltano/extractors/tap-contentful/gthesheep.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+- about
+- batch
+- catalog
+- discover
+- state
+- stream-maps
+description: Content Management Platform
+domain_url: https://www.contentful.com/
+executable: tap-contentful
+- meltano_sdk
+label: Contentful
+logo_url: /assets/logos/extractors/contentful.png
+maintenance_status: active
+name: tap-contentful
+namespace: tap_contentful
+next_steps: ''
+pip_url: git+https://github.com/GtheSheep/tap-contentful.git
+quality: silver
+repo: https://github.com/GtheSheep/tap-contentful
+- description: Token to authenticate against the API service
+  kind: password
+  label: Authentication Token
+  name: auth_token
+- description: Space identifier to pull content from
+  kind: string
+  label: Space ID
+  name: space_id
+- description: User-defined config values to be used within map expressions.
+  kind: object
+  label: Stream Map Config
+  name: stream_map_config
+- description: Config object for stream maps capability. For more information check
+    out [Stream Maps](https://sdk.meltano.com/en/latest/stream_maps.html).
+  kind: object
+  label: Stream Maps
+  name: stream_maps
+- - access_token
+  - space_id
+settings_preamble: ''
+usage: ''
+variant: gthesheep