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Applications updates

Application update module (App Update Module), being the regular Mender Update Module, contains and implements all the logic behind the deployment of any installable application to a device. As of the moment of writing this the first implementation takes care of containers-based applications. "Installable" restricts the broad class of software to a subset that can be deployed using the following set of abstract operations (listed with examples for a container and python cases):

  • LOAD
    • load given element
    • Examples: in case of container-based applications, it is the image import operation, in case of python application it maps to pip install image_being_a_package_name.tar.gz
  • SAVE
    • export given element
    • Examples: in case of containers it means exporting of an image, in case of python it copies the currently running package in a form understood by pip install.
  • LIST
    • lists the building blocks fo the application
    • Examples: for containers it is a list of images (the manifests are listed in the EXPORT_MANIFESTS), for python it is the list of packages that make the deployment
    • removes constituents of the application
    • Examples: in the case of containers it is the image removal operation, for python based software it is the removal of a package pip install image_being_a_package_name.tar.gz
    • deploy and start the application
    • Examples: for container-based software it means starting all containers (kubectl apply, docker-compose up) for other it maybe as simple as starting one or more daemons
    • stop any currently running instances of the application and perform ROLLOUT for last working state
    • remove all elements installed with the application
    • Examples: for containers this means calling DELETE on every image, and removal of every config map or any other part of the deployment, in case of python application it is a complete removal of all installed packages and files
  • STOP
    • stop the application
    • Examples: means stopping all the pods/containers running or stopping every process that belong to the application
    • start the application
    • Examples: starting pods/containers or starting every process that the application needs
    • query for the state of the application, see if it is running
    • Examples: in the container case this is the liveness probe, for python applications it can be: checking for the existence of a process
    • query for the state of the application, see if it is running and working properly
    • Examples: in the container case this is the readiness probe, for python applications it can be: calling user-provided executable to verify that the application works
  • REQS
    • internal message, return a list of required executable paths, with error level in case of absence
    • Examples: return of "tar:error" means that tar is required and if not present it is an error
    • Examples: return of "xdelta3:warning" means that xdelta3 is required, but if not present should result in an error

There are many ways to deploy an application to a device. One of them is: containers. There is a number of available solutions which allow you to declare what images constitute your deployment and how to assemble it, these we will call orchestrators and all the declarations needed manifests. Among the most popular orchestrators we have kubernetes and docker compose. We will refer to them as k8s and docker-compose, respectively. In both cases there is a common set of operations and common logic behind them required for the applications updates to happen. We implement it in the general app update module, and provide the so-called orchestrator sub-module API to delegate the orchestrator specific implementations to separate modules. We will refer to them as sub-module API and sub-modules respectively. The API reflects the above operations from the installable application class.

Orchestrator sub-module API

The Mender App Update Module reads the given artifact. Using orchestrator field it calls a sub-module by name, for a predefined location:

 # tree /usr/share/mender/app-modules/v1/
├── docker-compose
└── k8s
 # tree /usr/share/mender/modules/v3/
├── app
├── deb
├── directory
├── docker
├── mender-configure

The above figure shows the App Update Module (/usr/share/mender/modules/v3/app) and sub-modules located in /usr/share/mender/app-modules/v1/. File names in the latter directory are the orchestrators names.

API reference

In the following we use the definitions:

  • component: a part of an application: it can be an image if we are using containers, a package or am executable
  • manifest: all data needed to deploy an application: it can be a set of kubernetes manifests, docker-compose yaml files, systemd service config files, or custom configuration


Allows to save the currently running application, in the form that allows to call ROLLOUT with it, and also in the same form that it comes from the upstream (with the arifact). We need this to perform the ROLLBACK, and it means that we must store the manifest(s) somewhere.


  • application_name -- application name
  • output_directory -- a directory that will contain the manifest

SAVE component

Allows saving a component of the application to a file


  • application_name -- application name
  • url -- identifier of a component; for containers it is image URL. May contain the sha256 (or other sum) after @ sign, in which case we check if the sums match. For other orchestrator sub-modules it maybe a path, or some other resource handler.
  • path -- path to an output file

LOAD component

Allows loading of a component from a file (e.g.: docker load < image.tar)


  • application_name -- application name
  • url -- identifier of a component; for containers it is image URL. May contain the sha256 (or other sum) after @ sign, in which case we check if the sums match. For other orchestrator sub-modules it maybe a path, or some other resource handler.
  • path -- path to a file holding the data
  • current_url -- in case of deep deltas we need the current url to apply them


Allows listing components of a given application. It will output a list of components, containing the following data:

  • type
    • describes the component type
    • values: image for containers, binary for raw executables, deb-package for Debian package
  • url
    • identifies the component
    • values: for containers it is the url of an image, e.g.:, for others it can be a path to an executable
  • additional_data
    • extra data returned by the sub-module

In case an application is a docker composition consisting of two services, the output can look like the following:

    "type": "image",
    "url": ""
    "type": "image",
    "url": ""


  • application_name -- application name

DELETE component

Allows removal of given component


  • url -- identifier of a component; for containers it is image URL. May contain the sha256 (or other sum) after @ sign, in which case we check if the sums match. For other orchestrator sub-modules it maybe a path, or some other resource handler.
  • application_name -- application name

ROLLOUT directory

Deploys the given composition


  • application_name -- application name
  • source_directory -- directory containing the manifests. In case of k8s it is a directory where we run apply, or docker-compose up in case of docker-compose.


Rolls back the composition to a previous working state


  • application_name -- application name
  • source_directory -- directory containing the manifests. In case of k8s it is a directory where we run apply, or docker-compose up in case of docker-compose.


Removes every component of the application


  • application_name -- application name


Stops the application


  • application_name -- application name
  • source_directory -- directory containing the manifests. In case of k8s it is a directory where we run apply, or docker-compose up in case of docker-compose.


Starts the application


  • application_name -- application name
  • source_directory -- directory containing the manifests. In case of k8s it is a directory where we run apply, or docker-compose up in case of docker-compose.


Returns true if application is live


  • application_name -- application name


Returns true if application is healthy and ready to use


  • application_name -- application name


Returns a set of lines in the format: "$cmd:error" or "$cmd:warning" where $cmd stands for a required command, and error and warning instruct the caller on further actions in case it is missing.

Additional settings

If we think about {{k8s}} we can imagine elements of an application running in different namespaces, or requiring some mangling of contexts, or authorization. Instead of creating a set of non-portable arguments to, e.g., ROLLBACK call, we can pass the required data in variables, providing them in environment when we call sub-modules. When and if needed, we can provide it in the artifact metadata (for non-confidential), or inside the artifact in an encrypted manner, using device private key, for instance. All this would require some modifications, but is doable, and maybe considered for next iterations.

Persistent storage and configuration

App Update Module needs to store the manifests, both for future reference (START/STOP operations) and ROLLBACK. To this end we introduce a mender-app.conf in the default location /etc/mender/mender-app.conf, which will hold all the configuration for the update module, and as of the moment of writing this holds one setting:

# cat /etc/mender/mender-app.conf

App Artifact

App Artifact metadata

The Artifact as created by the generator, carries a certain amount of metadata, used to properly handle all the above calls.

  "version": "1.0",
  "platform": "linux/arm/v7",
  "application_name": "myapp0",
  "images": [
  "orchestrator": "docker-compose"


  • version stands for the update module version, it is used for compatibility reasons it is filled with the generator, should not be set by the user, unless she knows what she's doing. Initial version is 1.0, and it corresponds to /usr/share/mender/app-modules/v1/. If a need comes we can extend the main App Update Module to handle more exotic installations (e.g.: kernel) by introducing a new version of both main and sub-modules.
  • platform provided by user when generating artifacts, denotes the hardware platform for which the application is targeted.
  • application_name is the reference name of the application, needed to distinguish between many possibly running compositions, deployments, daemons, or standalone executables. Think of the need to save the manifests in order to start/stop/recreate a docker-composition: you need an identifier to reference and find something that is running on a device
  • images is an array of identifiers of binary parts that constitute the application. In case of container-based deployments it is identical to the list of sha256sums of images, and in other cases it can hold an array of sums of packages, or executables. It corresponds to the entries inside the images.tar.gz archive

App Artifact data structure

Complementing the metadata, the core information of needed to perform the deployment is carried in the data section of the artifact. Decompressed it has the form:

|-- 0000.tar.gz
|-- images
|   |-- 14ffa9942d15a7c4f94660c4d196e7078f218af612cab9a15025dd3b056ed6bd
|   |   |-- image.img
|   |   |-- sums-current.txt
|   |   |-- sums-new.txt
|   |   |-- url-current.txt
|   |   `-- url-new.txt
|   `-- a94cd7c7d58f483affd5937853ad4d24caa18cd7c2ec9ef65a9e528dfbc5eb07
|       |-- image.img
|       |-- sums-current.txt
|       |-- sums-new.txt
|       |-- url-current.txt
|       `-- url-new.txt
|-- images.tar.gz
|-- manifests
|   |-- docker-compose-dev.yml
|   `-- docker-compose.yml
`-- manifests.tar.gz

where we have unpacked both 0000.tar.gz and images.tar.gz, manifests.tar.gz which the main tar archive one contains.

Checksums and URLs

sums-current.txt amd sums-new.txt files contain the checksums of the components. In case of container-based applications they reflect the sha256sum of the image currently present on a device and the new image, respectively. They correspond to url-current.txt and url-new.txt. The latter pair is used with the LOAD/SAVE calls, but also to determine if image.img contains complete data of the component, or a binary delta. If the two urls differ, it means that the latter is the case, and the mani App Update Module will use SAVE to get the current image, apply delta, and then LOAD the new one.

When image.img contains complete component data, both url-current.txt and url-new.txt have the same content.

The names of directories in images folder are always checksums of the new component.

Deep binary delta of images

Both the update module generator and the docker-compose orchestrator sub-module support deep deltas. The "deep" part refers to how we treat images during the delta encoding. In the simplest, non-deep case, we look at the images as binary blobs of data, and simply pass it on to the binary delta generation executable. However, in the case of docker images we can do better.

A Docker image is a linked list of layer.tar files that represent the commands used to generate them, in the form of binary streams that are applied one on top of another (hence called layers).

As an example: imagine you perform an upgrade of your postgres database from 15.0 to 15.1, because of a reported security vulnerability. Many layers of that image will probably be very similar, but the whole-image delta does not give a lot of saved space.

This observation and some test groundwork led us to the idea of generating the deltas between the layer.tar files.

Note however that the above approach is not portable between different orchestrator sub-modules, and therefore it is the job of the LOAD function to deal with the decoding of the deep deltas, as the generator encodes them inside the images, in order to stay portable.