diff --git a/content/en/docs/refguide/modeling/menus/help-menu/_index.md b/content/en/docs/refguide/modeling/menus/help-menu/_index.md
index e2d863d1c76..e5f03157d6d 100644
--- a/content/en/docs/refguide/modeling/menus/help-menu/_index.md
+++ b/content/en/docs/refguide/modeling/menus/help-menu/_index.md
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ In the **Help** menu, you can ask questions and find answers to common problems
The **Help** menu items are described in the table below:
-| Menu Item (Shortcut Key) | Description |
-| **Help** (F1) | Opens the documentation page about the currently selected element. If an entity is selected, for example, the documentation for entities will be shown. |
-| **Help Contents** | Opens the home page of the documentation in the default web browser. |
-| **Ask a Question** | Opens the Mendix Community in the default web browser. |
-| **Support Tools** | Provides tools that can be used to share with Mendix Support, especially when you encounter issues with performance or high memory consumption. Support tools include the following:
- **Log Level** (*introduced in Studio Pro version 10.12.10*) – allows changing the minimum level (severity) of logging entries that Studio Pro will add to the log file. The following levels are available:
- Trace
- Debug
- Info
- Warning
- Error
- Critical
- [Performance Logging](/refguide/performance-logging/) – logs performance measurements to key functionalities (such as opening and closing microflow editors and moving items around in the App Explorer) that can help identify performance degradations.
- [Profiling](/refguide/profiling/) – runs a performance profiler session from within Studio Pro without installing the actual profiler on your machine or captures a memory snapshot. For more information, see [Profiling](/refguide/profiling/).
- **Enable Responsiveness Monitor** - detects when the application becomes unresponsive and writes diagnostic information to the log file.
- **Background** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – shows a pane containing information about current and previous background tasks.
- **Project Context** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – shows a pane containing information about part of the background memory of Studio Pro.
- **Enable Simple Progress Dialog** – enables the simplified version of the dialog that appears while Studio Pro is executing an operation (for example, saving a document).
- **Optimize MPR** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.6.0)* – starts an action that will remove allocated memory resources clean from a project file (.mpr) if they are from no longer required.
- **Convert to full clone…** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.12.0)* – starts an action that will turn a [partially cloned](/refguide/clone-type/) application into full one.
- **Collect version control data** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – helps you to collect basic version control data kept in the logs of Studio Pro.
- **Collect Support Information** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.16.0)* – helps collect information that assists the Support team in finding the root causes of issues.
-| **Open Log File Directory** | Opens the log files written by Studio Pro that can be used to see what might be the reason something went wrong in Studio Pro. Studio Pro retains these logs for the last 30 days, with files organized from the most recent to the oldest. Log files can also be used to share with Mendix Support when you submit a ticket. |
-| **Welcome** | Opens the **Welcome** page, which shows information about the version of Studio Pro being used, and links to release notes, Mendix platform blogs, and Maia Learn and Maia Chat. |
-| **About Mendix Studio Pro** | Shows information about the current version of Mendix Studio Pro. |
+| Menu Item (Shortcut Key) | Description |
+| **Help** (F1) | Opens the documentation page about the currently selected element. If an entity is selected, for example, the documentation for entities will be shown. |
+| **Help Contents** | Opens the home page of the documentation in the default web browser. |
+| **Ask a Question** | Opens the Mendix Community in the default web browser. |
+| **Support Tools** | Provides tools that can be used to share with Mendix Support, especially when you encounter issues with performance or high memory consumption. Support tools include the following:
- **Log Level** (*introduced in Studio Pro version 10.12.10*) – allows changing the minimum level (severity) of logging entries that Studio Pro will add to the log file. The following levels are available:
- Trace
- Debug
- Info
- Warning
- Error
- Critical
- [Performance Logging](/refguide/performance-logging/) – logs performance measurements to key functionalities (such as opening and closing microflow editors and moving items around in the App Explorer) that can help identify performance degradations.
- [Profiling](/refguide/profiling/) – runs a performance profiler session from within Studio Pro without installing the actual profiler on your machine or captures a memory snapshot. For more information, see [Profiling](/refguide/profiling/).
- **Enable Responsiveness Monitor** - detects when the application becomes unresponsive and writes diagnostic information to the log file.
- **Background** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – shows a pane containing information about current and previous background tasks.
- **Project Context** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – shows a pane containing information about part of the background memory of Studio Pro.
- **Enable Simple Progress Dialog** – enables the simplified version of the dialog that appears while Studio Pro is executing an operation (for example, saving a document).
- **Optimize MPR** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.6.0)* – starts an action that will remove allocated memory resources clean from a project file (.mpr) if they are from no longer required.
- **Convert to full clone…** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.12.0)* – starts an action that will turn a [partially cloned](/refguide/clone-type/) application into full one.
- **Fetch Repository…** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.19.0)* – starts an action that will fix the corrupted repository.
- **Collect version control data** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.15.0)* – helps you to collect basic version control data kept in the logs of Studio Pro.
- **Collect Support Information** *(introduced in Studio Pro version 10.16.0)* – helps collect information that assists the Support team in finding the root causes of issues.
+| **Open Log File Directory** | Opens the log files written by Studio Pro that can be used to see what might be the reason something went wrong in Studio Pro. Studio Pro retains these logs for the last 30 days, with files organized from the most recent to the oldest. Log files can also be used to share with Mendix Support when you submit a ticket. |
+| **Welcome** | Opens the **Welcome** page, which shows information about the version of Studio Pro being used, and links to release notes, Mendix platform blogs, and Maia Learn and Maia Chat. |
+| **About Mendix Studio Pro** | Shows information about the current version of Mendix Studio Pro. |