The following are some demos that you can go through to see verifiable credentials in action. For each of the demos, we've included some guidance on what you should get out of the demo - and where you should stop exploring the demos. Later on in this guide we have some command line demos built on current generation code for developers wanting to look at what's going on under the hood.
Try out the BC Gov Showcase to download a production Wallet for holding Verifiable Credentials, and then use your new wallet to get and present credentials in some sample scenarios. The end-to-end verifiable credential experience in 30 minutes or less.
Now that you have a wallet, how about being an issuer, and experience what is needed on that side of an exchange? To do that, try the Traction AnonCreds Workshop. Get your own (temporary -- it will be gone in a few weeks!) Aries Cloud Agent Python-based issuer/verifier agent. Connect to the wallet on your mobile phone, issue a credential and then present it back. Lots to learn, without ever leaving your browser!
Interested in seeing your demos/use cases added to this list? Submit an issue or a PR and we'll see about including it in this list.