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Potata Head Helm Chart

NOTE : you have to be into delivery/charts folder to run the commands below.

Pre Requisites

  • Kubernetes 1.9+
  • Requires at least Helm v3.0.0

If you do not have Helm 3 installed :


Installing the Chart

The chart is currently available via Git in a local directory. To install the chart first checkout the source code, open a terminal, and move to the delivery/charts sub-directory. Then run

helm upgrade --install ph podtatohead -n podtato-helm --create-namespace --wait --timeout 20s

This will install the podtatohead chart under the name hs.

helm ls -n podtato-helm

You can view it in your browser:

  • either by using ./
  • or by getting its external IP (if service has been set to 'type=LoadBalancer' in values.yaml) :
SVC_IP=$(kubectl -n podtato-helm get service ph-podtatohead -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
SVC_PORT=$(kubectl -n podtato-helm get service ph-podtatohead -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].port}')
xdg-open http://${SVC_IP}:${SVC_PORT}

The installation can be customized by changing the following paramaters:

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas of the container 1
image.repository Podtato Head Container image name merlixo/podtatohead
image.tag Podtato Head image tag v0.1.2
image.pullPolicy Podtato Head Container pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Podtato Head Pod pull secret ``
serviceAccount.create Whether or not to create dedicated service account true Name of the service account to use default
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to a created service account {}
podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the pods {}
ingress.enabled Enables Ingress false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts Ingress accepted hostnames []
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
autoscaling.enabled Enable horizontal pod autoscaler false
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target Memory utilization 80
autoscaling.minReplicas Min replicas for autoscaling 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Max replicas for autoscaling 100
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
resources Resource requests and limits {}
nodeSelector Labels for pod assignment {}
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
service.port The port the service will use 9000

Updating the version

To update the application version, you can choose one of the following methods :

  • run helm upgrade -i ph podtatohead -n podtato-helm --set image.tag=v0.1.1 --wait --timeout 20s
  • update the image.tag value in values.yaml (set the value to v0.1.1) and run helm upgrade -i ph podtatohead again

A new revision is then installed.

Refresh your browser to see the new version !

You can update the revision again in order to have a complete history in the first step.

helm upgrade -i ph podtatohead -n podtato-helm --set image.tag=v0.1.2 --wait --timeout 20s

Check revision history

helm history ph -n podtato-helm

Rollback to a previous version

To rollback to a previous revision, run :

helm rollback ph 1 -n podtato-helm

Check the revision

helm status ph -n podtato-helm

Refresh your browser to see the first version is back.

Uninstall the chart

helm uninstall ph -n podtato-helm
kubectl delete namespace podtato-helm


  1. The chart was started by using the command helm create and then modified from there
  2. The JSON Schema was generated using this Helm plugin.