Merged pull requests:
- Replace element children [#2]aknuds1#3) (hirefrederick)
Fixed bugs:
- Travis build fails due to a ReferenceError #11
Closed issues:
- Should not insert spans into tables even if there is white space #30
- Img, br and hr tags produce warnings #29
- using import instead of require #26
- Cherry pick lodash #22
- problem with textarea #9
- Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method #7
- State of the library? #6
- best way to pass callbacks? #5
Merged pull requests:
- Treat textarea as a void element #33 (mikenikles)
- Clean up NPM scripts #32 (mikenikles)
- Pass through options to parser #27 (benjeffery)
- Use modularized lodash #25 (no23reason)
- Test with node 4 and 5 on travis #24 (thangngoc89)
- Fix npm test #21 (mikenikles)
- Create element keys per sequence #20 (aknuds1)
- Add editorconfig #19 (aknuds1)
- Decode text nodes before passing to React #18 (aknuds1)
- Deal with void element tags #17 (mikenikles)
- Make sure tests fail on console warnings #16 (mikenikles)
- Upgrade React to the latest version #15 (mikenikles)
- Fix the blanket dependency for now #12 (mikenikles)
- Fix key warning #10 (lithin)
- Fixing parser's error message when multiple roots are found #1 (Yomguithereal)
v0.1.0 (2015-06-20)
v0.0.6 (2015-06-20)
v0.0.5 (2015-06-20)
v0.0.4 (2015-06-20)
v0.0.3 (2015-06-20)
v0.0.2 (2015-06-20)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator